The One Where A Boy Could Wish (Part 2)

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Amiyah's POV:

I was really enjoying my lunch with the tiny family, so much so it made me consider when was I going to get married or have my own family. I mean I may have a few more years until then after all I'am 25 years old but I'm starting to want a family which is crazy in the peak of my career just starting, why would I Amiyah Malcolm want a family? But as I watch Lauren and Valentino's interactions I wish I had that maybe even then exactly, I feel physically drawn to them I feel a connection of some sort towards them especially Valentino but I can't put my finger on it still! And it's bothering me, maybe in a past life? Hell who knows but I feel if I get to know them more I'll understand this connection.

The past thirty minutes I've been talking to Lauren have been wonderful we've been asking each other where we've travelled in the world where we would want to go. I may have took notes, you never know what could happen. I slap myself mentally god Amiyah we don't even know if she's straight or not we still haven't determined that and here you are thinking about having a relationship with her. OMG I need to stop.

"It's Amiyah mi amore" I hear Lauren say to Valentino as he was finding difficult pronouncing my name I smile at him as he's eyes catch mine.

"Am-Amiyah can I see your car now?" He asks looking up at me from across the table I nod my head and smile at him giving a look to Lauren who nodded her head.

"Right then we're all done now?" I ask Valentino and Lauren both nodding their heads, "Right then let's go" I say with a smile and we start to grab our things and head out of Alejandro's.

I the perfect gentlewoman I'am opened the door for the both of them which I noticed had caused a slight blush to appear on Lauren's cheeks, I took note of this and smiled down at her since I was slightly taller than her. We start walking down the street to the parking lot of the company having small talk as Lauren picked up an excited Valentino of the ground with a smile plastered on his little face. We walked in a comfortable silence mostly when we entered the building and started heading towards the parking lot. There was something about this that felt right to me being with the pair I felt so comfortable in Lauren's presence and felt drawn towards the two of them. I still haven't been able to figure out what it is about Valentino that's so familiar I mean I've seen that face before but it's like after my accident a few years back I'm questioning if it's just my mind playing tricks on me. I just look at them in content and happiness, that's what I felt. I felt happy and joyful with them and maybe we haven't interacted that much but I'd do anything to keep this. I guess I've been so caught up in becoming successful in my career that I haven't felt this type of happiness in a long time.

"Hey there day dreamer" Lauren says which snaps me out of my thoughts back into what was happening now and me reminiscing life.

"Oh yeah sorry follow me" She just laughs at me with a jumping Valentino in her arms as he mumbles incoherent words, I mean he is a toddler after all. Seeing my car I press my key to unlock the car ahead

"Hey Valentino see that car over that's flashing? That's my car" He nods he's head rapidly with a huge grin plastered on his face with his little teeth on display as he wiggled about in Lauren's arms she placed him down on the ground as we approached the car the first thing he did was hug the car which made me laugh at his response. I looked at Lauren and said
"Don't worry I washed the car a few days ago and it hasn't been used since" I say she smiles slightly as we watched Valentino observe my car going around the whole think and then looking back at his toy car in his left hand. I could tell he was inspecting to see if the car was indeed similar to his which made me laugh as his little head looked back and forth between the little car and the big car.

Finally walking towards us I lean down and ask him "Does it pass the inspection little man? Is it the same car?" I ask knowing he wouldn't understand the first question but I heard a little laugh from Lauren he nods his head with a smile which causes me to crack a bigger smile on my face. "Say you want to see inside it? It's got really cool lights in there" He nods his head rapidly. I go to the drives side door and open it up for him like a butler he smiles and I help him up a little so he can sit in the seat.

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