The One Where They Mingle

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Amiyah's Pov:
She's gorgeous the way her nose would slightly scrunch up as she slept it was cute. Lauren was truly a goddess so much so I was unable to finish the rest of the work I had to do on my computer. And that's all I had been thinking of in the last threes hours just about how gorgeous she looked even when sleeping. I wonder where I should take her on our first date? I might have to text Triniti about that she knows a lot in this type of field, where I, not so much. But it should be fine and come natural after all i'm basically fascinated and obsessed with Lauren one might even say in love. But I think it's too early to pull out the L word. And by that I don't actually mean the L Word as in the show.

The sound of my phone buzzing caught my attention, picking up my phone I turned off the annoying alarm as to not wake Lauren up. Getting out of my chair I go to grab all of my things and placing them into my bag, I walk around the other side of my desk to turn off my computer and making sure I haven't left anything behind. I walk over gently to a sleeping Lauren who had her beautiful dark brown locks pooling over the pillow and my blanket pulled all the way to her chin. I giggle slightly trying not to wake Lauren as she looked so comfortable.

"Lauren, Lauren baby time to get up", I say and Lauren let's out a groan "We've gotta get Val Laur" I say gently she nods her head tiredly and help in assisting her. Pulling her towards me and up to her feet a bring her into a hug which she immediately reciprocates causing my lips to twitch up into a smile as I rest my chin on Laurs head.  Slowly unwrapping my arms from Lauren's form I pick my bag up slinging it over my shoulder , "Ready to go?" I ask "Yep" Lauren say reaching for my hand and intertwining with mine causing a blush to form on my face. I never really believed in the whole feeling sparks, but everytime Lauren touch me I felt tingles and sparks shoot through me, it seems to never get old and only keeps getting more intense as I fall deeper for the brunette woman. Holding her hand I start guiding her outside of my office, walking side by side towards the elevator. No one was really around to witness our closeness, stopping at the elevator I press the button and wait for the doors to open, Lauren and I still holding each other's hands.

And to my not so very good luck the doors open to reveal Amy. Who immediately looked down our our hands and her face dropped anger oozing from her. I awkwardly step into the elevator with Lauren pressing the button to the ground floor, hopping that Amy would vanish if i thought of it but with no luck. "So what are you to a thing now?", Amy's spat out with so much venom in her words but kept her cool.

"Umm- yes! Yes we are", Lauren cuts me off surprising me with her statement as she wrap both her arms around my arm. This cause me to smirk as I catch on to what Lauren was trying to do. I just smile at Lauren and pull her even closer towards me and look towards a very pissed off Amy.

"Well- Sorry gotta go", Lauren says cutting off Amy as we step out into the car parking area. Lauren leading the way to her car as we both hold each other's hand still with a smile plastered on my face. Reaching Lauren's car, Lauren pulls out her keys to unlock the car and in the process letting go of my hand already missing the contact.
Once I was in the car Lauren reached for my hand which I gladly wrapped my hand around her small hand. It was perfect being here with Lauren.


I was nerves for tonight it was all I could think about since I asked Lauren out. Tonight I planned to take her out, she said she didn't like going anyway fancy from what I remember from a few months back. I've planned this date so much after getting some advice of Triniti who said that it had to be unique and not a typical date like the movies. I mean I didn't really know the difference anyways, but besides from that hope she likes it. Lauren said that Valentino was with her parents so we were completely by ourselves, I wouldn't have mind either way since I missed the little man so much even though it had only been two days since I last saw him. I maybe a little attached to him, AND I still can't figure out why I'm so drawn to that kid and why he looks awfully familiar. As of recent I've tried to get over but I still can't.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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