The One Where She's Nervous

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Amiyah's POV:

Yet another day of me sitting in my office reading over several emails and replying back to these several boring emails. But I shouldn't complain atleast it pays my bills and keeps a roof over my head. Another thing Lauren is all I can think about in every hour of the day all I think about it is asking her out on a date I mean we've been talking for the last two weeks now more on a deeper level and since that small kiss on the cheek with been sharing a lot more flirtatiously and sharing small gestures holding each other's hand and more smiles and ALOT more sexual tension too but also the desire to be with her you know. So I've also been building up the courage these last three weeks ever since Tristan said that to me and I think I'm going to say it this time we have lunch. I'm casually just going to ask her on date and hope for the best as my anxiety eats me up inside. Yeah how does someone like me get this nerves about a girl? Well first of all this is a woman not someone random girl, no this is a woman plus she's a tad bit older than me and from what Lauren's been slightly hinting towards me during how talks around the office manly at the printer and sometimes when we're having lunch together, but not to much since of Valentino. Plus I always seem to strike up a convo with Val anyway with the small amount of time I get to see him.

I've just got to ask her on a date I mean I know she won't ask since she's not that type of girl. It's gotten me so nervous for asking her out on a date, I mean I ain't ever really done this shit like ask someone out. It's always someone rando I meet at the club while heavily intoxicated or not and I'll maybe ask them out but only go on a date with them once or twice. But it's always sex never anything emotionally it's always physically. Which it kinda I think now that I've talking to Lauren these past few months I've started to realise I don't want that life I want to settle down and meet someone. A genuine someone with intelligence, empathy and beauty and so much more. I mean I don't have a list but she ticks a lot of boxes.

I sigh taking myself out of my daze by the sound of my work phone going off. "Yes Sarah?" I ask as I see the number, "You've got Mr.Fitzgerald on line to Ms.Malcolm", this got me to instantly sit up straight in my chair and adjust myself. Mr.Fitzgerald is quite a big client that we have in here at Blind and his a very serious man. I may get along with him okay but one wrong word and your already in this mans bad books like there ain't no coming back. So that's what caused me to sober up from this bored nervous state and to any even more nervous state as my anxiety went through the roof. "Thankyou Sarah", I say shakily as I keep the phone to ear going to press line two with an unsteady hand with hope that all goes well. "Good morning Mr.Fitzgerald", I say as smooth as I can happy with the fact that it came out so smooth.

"Yes good morning Ms.Malcolm but I'd like to skip such formal greetings and get down to business", he's states with full knowledge that he has a cigar in his mouth as that's what he always seems to have during such calls. I mean damn how cliche, so old white guy smoking a cigar thinking his the shit. I mean to be honest he really is the shit in the fact that he'll take yo ass to court for damn ass reason but the fact that he just doesn't like something about you or something you said. Stupid isn't it, I mean shit were i'm from it's as simply as fight it out till someone whip out a gun and parties over but eh.

"Yes of course", I say slightly rolling my eyes
"Right well i've got another big project coming up and it will require your expertise as it seems your the only one who can get the job done, I'll require a shot of my main casino in Vegas to be taken. Make it look classy i'll expect nothing but good results of my casino Malcolm inside and out, you here?", He states making me reply quickly even if i don't appreciate he's attitude and rudeness but hey that's life. "Yes of course Mr.Fitzgerald, when do need this shot taken may I ask?", I say trying not to sound like someone suck up and more like a proper well respected professional but it's hard to with a man like this on the other line knowing fully well he's got connections. A man like him like that without somewhat assistance, and if I fuck one bit all hell will ran down on my black ass.

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