The One Where She Asks

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^^Kinda what Tristan looks like

Amiyah's POV:

Two words, I'm shocked, I can still fill her warm plump lips on my cheek as drive in my car going home. Today was eventful, I was so surprised when Laur told me she was pregnant, well not told me since I figured it out but it was the last thing I expected. Oh god she looked so gorgeous today, I'm glad we both got off at twelve o'clock. And Valentino such a sweetheart even during the twenty five minutes that Lauren was in her appointment he behaved so well with me and talked about his preschool. Which I thought was really cute and a great bonding moment for us, as he told me about his friend Harry apparently from what I picked up is that the two are quite the explorers. I'm still surprised by how efficient Valentino can talk even though he's still a toddler he's quite good at pronouncing difficult words, must've got that from Lauren I smiled at the thought.

Turning into my street I can already Triniti's car in my drive way, I rolled my eyes, this bitch just turns up all the time without even shouting me text like 'hey i'm coming over' , or shit like that. Well I can't really talk either,

Pulling up into my driveway, getting out of my car and locking it of course, hey I maybe moved up in life but I still know my roots and imma gun around me at all times. Damn the childhood is showing... anyway, "Fuck where's my keys?", I say out loud. "Hey Amme how are doing", I look up already having the full knowledge of it being Tristan. I instantly jump on him and pull him into a hug, I love this man, and maybe if i wasn't gay i'd probably be tryna still him off Triniti. But i'm not that type of hoe.

"Hey Trissssyyyy", I say wrapping my legs around him only to jump off him, " The fuck you been asshole I've missed your dumbass", I say swiping the fake tear on my eye for effect seeing him role his eyes. "Well i'm sor- BITCH DON'T TOUCH OR TALK TO MY MANS LIKE THAT!", The bitch herself, sorry Triniti said while wrapping an arm around his waist.

"What happened to, hi how was your day?" I say, "Bitch you know i'm- yeah yeah just get yo ass inside bitch", and yet again Triniti cuts in on what i'm saying. I just laugh so does Tristan at Triniti's possessiveness, did I mention that Triniti is super possessive and jelly all the time even though she knows i'm the biggest gay of them all.

"So what are y'all doing in my house at this time of the day?", I ask since I still don't know why their bitch asses are here without even texting it to me.
"Bitch I know what your thinking, so what caused you do not look at your phone huh? Is it that girl? Hmm? I sent you a message by the way boo", She says making me immediately check my messages to see in actual fact there was a message from Triniti. Damn I was really caught up with Valentino and Lauren, aww I miss the- BITCH okay yeah I can't deny that I don't miss them. Plus Lauren's all stuck up in my head know I mean i couldn't stop thinking about her in that entire car trip back home. I mean does she like me or something? Or was it a causal friend kiss on the cheek? Nah i'd be to stupid to assume that there wasn't any sexual tension between us.

"Bitch you gonna tell me what's going up in that ugly head of yours and before you deny it I know, cause I know everything boo", Triniti states as she starts walking away into the kitchen. "We made dinner so hurry yo ass up before it gets cold". Aww I have such loving friends. It's weird just how much Triniti knows me so well I'm mean she literally read me like that back of her hand to be honest she always knows how I'm feeling and stuff like that. But I guess that's what yet get when your friends with someone for over nearly fourteen years.

Following after the couple I see them start to serve themselves, I too do the same for myself and grap a bowl.

"Damn i'm stuffed", I say looking towards the Tv, turning my head back around to face the pair I look at Tristan, "And I'll say it many times again your a fucking amazing cook Trissy", knowing fully well that Triniti can't cook for shit and if so she always needs assistance. He chuckles in response and response back with a small your welcome continuing to play with Triniti's weave. Aww I wish I had someone like that and all of a sudden Lauren pops in my head with little Val running around, damn i'm really taking a liking to this women.

"Aye now we gonna talk boo, so this girl huh?", she says turning her attention back to me wiggling her eyebrows causing a small chuckle from me. With a small smile plastered on my face as I think of her gorgeous face and those beautiful freckles that cover her nose. Even Valentino comes to my mind as his infectious giggles cause me to smile even more. God that kids caught a hold on me just as much as Lauren, I just want give him a big squeeze he's so cute.
"Hello earth to Amiyah" I snap out of my daze to see both of them chuckling at me.

"Well I can't deny it and say i'm not catching feelings for her, I'm just drawn to her and all the beautiful things she talks about so passionately and her intelligence. And don't even get me start on how beautiful she is, she's gorgeous you guys" , I say seeing them both smile at me as I continue speaking, "And her kid is so cute, Valentino, he's three and for quite a young age he has quite great vocabulary real intelligent young kid".
"Wait, wait, wait, hold up bitch you never said she had a kid or nothing", Triniti says leaning closer to me god she always likes drama heck me to.

"Yeah shes got a kid, and you know what the funny thing is I still feel drawn to this kid I mean he looks so similar to when I was that age, I mean not exactly but. I don't know, I still feel drawn to this kid for some reason". I say say with a slight chuckle shaking my head. " Well i'm going to have to meet this woman who's got you all like this, I mean i'm surprised since you know it's you biggest bachelorette I know, but i'm glad your happy you seem less tense boo, ohh and imma have to meet this little kid you keep talking about too. Anyways we've gotta head out I'm tired and I don't feel like crashing here." Triniti says slowing getting up grabbing her stuff going into the living room.

"You know for as long as i've known you and all I've never quite seen you this upbeat and in the clouds as you are now about this women, Lauren right? Well hold on to her I can tell she's special", Tristan says leaning down slightly into my ear I smile at his words and give him a side hug. I honestly love this man he always knows what to say and is very observant, I guess that's what happens when your basically raised by women since Tristan grew up around only his mother and the several sisters and the other women in his family. And I always trust Tristan's words he's never been wrong, so i'm going to do as Tristan said. Hold on to that woman.

"Right well, we'll be heading off now boo, love ya, texting me soon okay, and keep giving me updates as I know you will about Lauren", she says coming up to me ass we walk towards the front door pulling me into a hug as I also pull Tristan into a hug too. "Will do girly", I say with a slight smile tugging at my lips as I lean against the outside door frame. I watched them head towards there car and pull out the drive I wave them goodbye and head in side.

Well what an eventful day...

I can't stress this enough but this is not a Lauren Jauregui fanfic or anything I'm simply just using her as an example and using her name. But you can think is or whatever it don't matter boo😘

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