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Jeremy's POV

As I stood in front of the gigantic building, I couldn't help but feel intimidated. Out of the hundreds, probably thousands of people in there, I only knew one. And he was already inside. I took a deep breath before walking across the campus grounds, past the fountain, and a few smaller buildings, and finally arrived at the large glass double doors leading to the dorms.

I pushed them open with ease and stepped inside. The feeling of the air conditioning hitting my face made me relax a small bit, but I was still terrified. I didn't exactly love social interaction. After the events of last year, I've become a lot more introverted, somehow even more than I already had been.

I approached the lady at the front desk and cleared my throat to get her attention. She glanced up at me and smiled.

"Um, my name is Jeremy Heere. I'm supposed to rooming with Michael Mell, plus two others."

As she scribbled something down on her clipboard, I read her name tag. Christine. That's a pretty name. Christine handed me a room key and said, "Just let me know if you need anything, okay?" Then she did this weird thing where she twisted a strand of hair around her fingers.

"And I mean anything," Christine giggled flirtatiously. I quickly turned around and speed walked in the opposite direction. Don't get me wrong, she seems like a nice enough lady, I'm just not really into women. I'm bi, but lean a bit more towards men.

I stopped in front of the elevator and began to tap my foot nervously. I heard another person come up behind, then stand next to me. Just then the elevator doors opened, and we both stepped inside at the same time. There was an uncomfortable silence as I stared hard at the ground.

I forced myself to look up at them. Standing there was a boy about my age, with brown hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a striped shirt. There were also marks on his arms, like there used to be a cast there, or something of the sort. Probably as cast.

"I'm Jeremy," I offered. The boy's head flew up, like he was shocked I was speaking to him.

"I-I'm Evan H-Hansen."

We shook hands just as the elevator came to a halt directly on my flour. I glanced over at Evan. "You're on this floor too?"

He nodded and hurried down the hallway, not looking back once. I shrugged it off and started looking for my dorm. Room 324. It took me about five minutes before I finally found it, all the way at the end of the hall.

I calmed my nerves before twisting the doorknob. The door popped open, and I quickly dragged my suitcase through the doorway, walking to the center of the room. I didn't see anyone so far, but I had a bit of a bigger dorm, since I had three roommates.

"Jeremy, is that you?"

Michael came running into the room and wrapped me in a tight hug. When he finally let go, he said, "How are ya, buddy? I haven't seen you since last Monday!"

I laughed. "I'm good," I replied. I took a minute to look over at my best friend. Michael had his signature headphones around his neck, with his red hoodie on. It felt amazing to see him again, even though it really hadn't been more than a week.

That was when I remembered something. "Have you seen our other roommates yet?"

Michael shook his head. "They dropped off their bags and then left before I got here."

Suddenly, the door opened behind them, and two people stepped in. One had brown hair, and the other had curly hair that was all over the place. The one with curly hair was giggling and they were both holding hands.

That was when they noticed us standing in the living room. The one with red hair introduced himself first.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton, but you can just call me Alex instead." He stepped forward to shake hands with me, while his friend shook Michael's hand.

"And I'm John Laurens," he said.

Michael pulled the two of them in for a hug and told them his name, and then mine. I smiled gratefully. One of the best things about having a friend as outgoing as Michael, he does most of the talking.

The four of us just stood there after that, unsure of what to say. After a minute or two, Michael spoke up.

"Does anyone want to watch a movie?" He suggested.

Alex looked relieved and nodded, then grabbed John's hand and led him over to sit on the couch. Michael and I sat down after that.

And that was how I ended up spending my first night at King's College watching Mulan with my new roommates. 

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