Two Lovebirds Sitting in a Bed

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Jeremy's Pov

Michael and I were both shocked at what John had told us about Alex. It's just that, Alexander Hamilton really does not seem like the type of person to do something like this, especially to his beloved boyfriend.

Alex was always so protective over John, it really seems unlikely that he would be the same person to willingly hurt him.

Something clearly wasn't right.

So as we were walking down the halls searching for Alex, I thought over everything. I can't believe I care so much about a person who I just met a few days ago, and his boyfriend. But that's life, I guess.

We were just rounding the corner when I spotted Veronica standing next to a boy I didn't recognise. As we got closer, they both turned to look at us.

I waved. "Hey, Veronica!" I called out.

She smiled and waved back kindly, then after a moment, motioned for us to come over. The boy who was standing next to her approached us first and stuck his hand out.

"Leo Valdez, or you could simply call me Bad Boy Supreme," he said proudly.

I laughed and took his hand, shaking it quickly before letting Michael shake his hand.

"I'm Jeremy and this is Michael," I told him, putting my hands in my pockets.

Veronica glanced down at her phone and then looked back up at us.

"So what have you two been up to?" she asked curiously.

I opened my mouth to answer, but Michael cut me off.

"We're looking for our friend Alexander Hamilton. Maybe you guys have seen him?" he questioned.

Leo shook his head, but Veronica nodded.

"I think I saw him near the bathrooms over on that hall over there," she said, turning to point towards the hallway a few doors down.

I thanked her, and gave Leo a small smile before Michael and I started walking towards the bathrooms.

"You really think he's in there?" Michael asked as we stood in front of the bathroom door.

I shrugged.


I pushed open the door and stepped inside of the bathroom, Michael following behind me.

It wasn't hard to find him. Alex was standing in front of the mirrors, his eyes red, and his face pale.

His eyes widened when he spotted us in the reflection behind him.

He turned around and looked at us.

"H-hey g-guys," he stuttered.

Michael smiled and elbowed me in the ribs.

"What did hell did you do that for?" I said under my breath, rubbing my side.

He glanced at me.

"You ask him about Jefferson," he muttered back.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Alex. He did even seem to have noticed Michael and I's brief conversation.

"Um, Alex," I started slowly. "Why did John tell us he saw you kissing Thomas Jefferson?"

Alex took a deep breath.

"I know it looked really bad guys, but I swear, he forced himself on me!" Alex exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow.

Alexander continued.

"I was walking home from class, and I was in a hurry because today is the anniversary of when John and I first started dating. Jefferson followed me for a few minutes and I tried to ignore him until he stopped me. Then for some fucking reason he said he wanted to kiss me. I said no, obviously. But then he kissed me just as John came around the corner."

Michael's mouth fell open.

"That bastard!" he exclaimed.

Alex looked at me hopefully.

"So do you guys believe me?" he asked quietly. Michael and I exchanged a quick look.

Then after a moment, I finally nodded.

"I believe you, but I do think that you should tell John what really happened. He's heartbroken," I told him.

Alex's face somehow got even more pale than it already was.

He buried his face in his hands and groaned.

"Oh god, what am I even going to say to him," he muttered under his breath.

"Just tell John what you told us," Michael said kindly, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder.

Alex looked at his shoes and then quietly asked, "Will you guys come too? You know, for moral support or whatever?"

I laughed and nodded.


Time Skip to When They Get Back to the Dorm

We found John right where we left him: in his bed. Except now he wasn't crying, just staring emotionlessly at the wall.

Alex slowly approached the bed, and couldn't help but flinch when John turned to look at him, still not showing any trace of emotion on his face. Alexander carefully grabbed John's hand and kneeled down next to him.

"Laurens, baby, I promise that I would never cheat on you or do anything to hurt you."

That got John's attention. His expression softened, but he wasn't quite ready to forgive his boyfriend yet.

"Then what happened?" he whispered.

Alex felt his heart break a little at John's face. He looked so sad. And in that moment, Alex had never wanted to punch Thomas Jefferson more.

"He's the one who kissed me, John. After you ran, I pushed him off," he said truthfully.

John smiled a little.

"Okay, I believe you, Alex," he said quietly.

Alex gives John a relieved smile and then pulled him into a hug, climbing up onto the bed to sit next to him.

Michael and I took one last look at them before walking out of the room, so the two lovebirds could have their privacy.

        Okay so I would like to apolgise for how terrible the last few chapters have been. I've been trying to write more after taking a short break, and also, my chapter titles have been HORRIBLE lately. I honestly have kind of ran out of ideas.  

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