Merry Christmas

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Rich's Pov

"Thank you so much guys!" I exclaimed happily.

It was Christmas morning, and I was over at Michael's dorm with his roommates. They had all pitched in to get me several bottles of Mountain Dew Red.

I picked one of them up and leaned over to hand it to Jeremy.

"Here, drink this. Maybe it'll help with your squip problem."

Jeremy was quick to pop the top off and drink the whole bottle, excited at the thought of getting rid of his squip. But after a few seconds, he only gave me a disappointed look and shook his head.

I gave him a sympathetic smile and turned to Michael to give him his gift. I went out shopping last night to pick out the perfect present.

Michael grinned when he saw what I got him and lifted a hand up to cover his mouth. In his hands he was holding his present, a red hoodie that was almost identical to the one he already was wearing.

I know it may seem a little stupid for me to have bought Michael another hoodie, but I know how much his red hoodie means to him, and he mentioned one time how sad he would be if anything happened to it. So I got him this, so if something happened, he would have a backup.

Michael carefully set his new hoodie down and gave me a hug. I smiled and leaned more against him. When I pulled back, Michael gave me a kiss on the cheek, and we both leaned back against the couch, ready to watch Alex and John open their gifts.

After watching Alexander and John freak out about their presents for ten minutes, I offered to make us some hot chocolate. As I was standing up, Michael said he'd join me. I held back a smile as I walked across the room, pass the fire burning in the fireplace, and into the kitchen.

I heard him walk into the room a couple seconds after me and almost jumped when I felt Michael wrap his arms around me. As I was getting ready to heat up our drinks, I heard Michael move his arms from around my waist.

After I put everything into the microwave, I turned back around to see Michael standing there with his arms crossed. Now I was confused. Just a moment ago he was being all sweet, and now he looked almost angry.

Then he gave me a sad look.

"Rich, what are we? I mean, I've kissed you, you've kissed me, but you never said if we were dating or not."

Michael sighed and rubbed his hands together.

"I really like you, Richie."

I felt myself starting to blush. "I like you too, Michael. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Now it was Michael's turn to blush.

"I would love to be your boyfriend."

I took a few steps forward and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He carefully wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered, "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

"Of course," I whispered back.

We met halfway, and I felt Michael smile into the kiss. He gently pushed me up against the counter.

"Hurry the fuck up, I want my hot chocolate!" Jeremy screamed from the living room.

Michael and I burst out laughing. "Help me carry the drinks?" I asked him, holding out two cups.

He gave me a cheesy grin. "It would be my pleasure,' he replied.

Together, the two of us carried everything back to the other three roommates. And we walked right in on Alexander and John kissing under the mistletoe.

"Guys, quit kissing and come get your drinks," I told them, reaching over to hand Jeremy his.

Michael and I sat down on the couch together, with me leaning my head back on his shoulder.

Jeremy gave us a look. "What's up with you two? You act like you're dating or something."

Micheal smiled and grabbed my hand. "We are."

Jeremy gave us a small smile. "Wow, I'm so happy for you guys," he said kindly. Alexander and John gave us thumbs up.

"Anybody want to watch a movie?" John asked, sitting on the floor next to his boyfriend. Alex shrugged. "I'd be up for that."

"Sure," I replied. Everyone else agreed, and Jeremy pulled up The Nightmare Before Christmas on the TV.

That night I fell asleep on Michael. God, I can't believe he's my boyfriend.

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