Lemon Juice

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  Michael's POV

I stood by the front door, ready to welcome our guests when they arrived. In my hand, I held a list of names, the names of the people coming to the party.





Not too many people, so I'm sure we'll get to know each other pretty quickly. I heard people coming down the hallway, excited voices whispering through the door. Less than a minute later, there was a knock at the door. My hands started shaking excitedly, and I glanced back at my other roommates sitting on the couch.

John nodded for me to open the door, so I turned the knob slowly, holding my breath. Almost instantly people started streaming in, one after another. The last person inside before I closed the door was a boy with a red streak through his hair.

"Welcome, welcome!" John announced, standing up from his seat on the couch, everyone else getting up after him.

Alex decided to take the lead from there.

"Everybody sit down in a circle on the floor and we can introduce ourselves," then he laughed. "God, I sound like a preschool teacher."

When everyone was seated, we started with Jeremy.

"Um, hi, my name is Jeremy Heere."

Then Alex went.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service, but you can just call me Alex."

Then John.

"I'm John Laurens in the place to be!" he screeched playfully, causing a few people to snicker.

Then it was a girl I've never seen before.

"My name is Vanessa, pleased to meet you all," she said kindly. I flashed her a quick smile.

Then the boy with brown hair.

"I'm E-Evan Hansen," he stuttered.

The girl who went next was so busy staring down at her phone, that Vanessa had to tap her arm to get her attention.

"What?" she asked, sounding confused. Her eyes widened as she realised what we were doing. "Oh right. Veronica Sawyer, nice to meet you all."

I almost laughed. The look on her face was priceless.

Finally, there was only one person left, the kid with dyed hair. He grinned and introduced himself.

"I'm Rich, and I am also bi-sexual as hell!"

At this point, I couldn't contain my laughter any longer. Rich cracked a smile and giggled softly. I blushed.

*time skip brought to you by George Salazar being adorable*

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Vanessa asked.

"I do!" John called from across the room where he and Alex were sitting.

"Okay, I'll start," Vanessa volunteered.

She then turned to Evan and asked, " Truth or dare?"

Evan thought for a second before slowly saying, "Truth."

"Are you dating anyone currently?"

He blushed. "Um, I-I have a b-boyfriend. His name is J-Jared."

"Awwwwww," Veronica exclaimed.

Evan turned to me next. "Dare," I said, before he could even ask.

"Kiss Jeremy!" he blurted out, slapping a hand across his mouth immediately after.

I looked over and saw Jeremy blushing. He crawled over and sat in my lap. I quickly grabbed his chin gently and pressed my lips to his, only for a second before pulling away.

My turn. "Rich, truth or dare?"

He glanced at me, looking shocked that I picked him. "Dare."

I looked around the room. Then I got an idea. I smirked. "Go drink a shot of lemon juice."

Rich's eyes widened. I got up to go fix the lemon juice. When I came back, Rich was waiting. I handed over the glass and crossed my arms.

Rich lifted the glass to his mouth...and drank the entire thing at once. He handed the glass back to me, without even looking fazed.

My mouth dropped open and everyone else around the room looked just as shocked. He shrugged and sat back down.

After about ten more minutes of games, we all agreed that it would be to end the party now, before it got too late. Slowly people left, saying their goodbyes, and thanking us for inviting them.

Soon, everyone had gone, and all my roommates were in their rooms or the kitchen eating. I was just about to close the door when someone pushed it back open.

I looked up, shocked to see none other than Rich standing there, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I, uh, left my jacket," he said. I nodded and moved over so he could get into the room.

Right when he was about to leave again, I stopped him. "Can I get your phone number?" I blurted out.

Rich looked surprised, but he nodded and scribbled it down on a piece of paper for me, pressed it into my hand, and flashed me a smile before walking out and closing the door softly behind him. 

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