To the Four of Us

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John's Pov

I laughed as Bart hit his father in the back with a chair on The Simpsons, a show that to me will never get old. I leaned back into the couch, as I heard Alexander talking to himself as he washed dishes in the kitchen behind me.

My head fell back on a pillow and I suddenly got an idea. I grinned as I sat up to look at my boyfriend.

"Hey, Alex," I called.

He answered without looking up at me. "Yes?"

"We should get drunk tonight, and invite Michael and Jeremy."

Alex put up a couple more plates before coming over to sit down with me. I leaned back into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder. Alexander reached up to play with my hair.

After a couple minutes of silence, Alex spoke up. "Speaking of Michael and Jeremy, where do you think they are? I don't think I've seen them since I got back from classes."

I shrugged. "I think that Jeremy went over to Rich's dorm, but I don't know where Michael's at."

Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "I'll just text them in our group chat then," he told me, as he typed.

Just then the door slammed shut behind us, causing both Alexander and I to jump. I relaxed when I saw that it was only Jeremy.

"How did asking Rich go?" Alexander asked him curiously. Jeremy groaned as he collapsed in one of the chairs across from the coach.

"He said that the most I can do is just try to ignore the squip. So yeah, Rich was no help at all."

Even though I didn't know much about this whole squip ordeal, I couldn't help but feel bad for Jeremy. So hoping to cheer him up, I asked him if he wanted to join us Alex and I tonight at the bar.

Jeremy agreed almost instantly, probably eager to forget everything else that had happened today.

Then Alex said something that I had been wondering a bit myself.

"Jeremy, have you seen your squip again since this morning?"

The other boy shook his head. "Strangely no, he hasn't been back since."

"Just please don't listen to him this time around, I'd hate for something bad to end up happening like last time," Michael said as he entered the room.

"Oh! Michael, where have you been?" I asked.

Michael shrugged. "I've been asleep in my room for the past hour," he explained as he tugged on his signature red hoodie.

I looked down at my phone to see the time. It was already getting close to eight o'clock.

"Hey guys, it's getting a little late so if we want to go to that bar, we should probably head out now," I told the others as I moved from Alexander's lap. Michael gave me a confused look.

"Going where?" the dark-haired boy questioned.

"Drinking. Wanna join?" I offered.

He shrugged. "Might as well, I've got nothing better to do. We could take my car."

Jeremy immediately shook his head.

"No offense, Michael, but I would rather not be seen riding in that thing," he said gently, not wanting to hurt the other boy's feelings. Michael can be very sensitive when it comes to these things, he'd learned.

"Okay, so we're taking my car. Perfect, it's decided. Now can we please hurry up?" Alex spoke from across the room, where he was standing near the door.

I held back a laugh at his impatience as I grabbed my phone and jacket.

It wasn't long before everyone was piled into Alexander's decently sized car, and ready for a fun night of drinking away their problems.


After ten minutes of driving, with Jeremy and Alex constantly arguing about the directions, we finally arrived at the bar. I hopped out of the car first, followed by Michael who had been sitting next to me, and then Alex and Jeremy who were sitting up front.

As we walked into the bar, I couldn't help but notice how beautifully the walls were decorated with different paintings and designs. The entire building looked far better than I had originally expected.

Soon a lady all dressed in black approached us, then motioned for us to follow her to a table near the back. After we all sat down, she pulled out a notepad and took all of our orders. Alexander and I both got the same kind of beer, while Michael and Jeremy got a type of wine.

When our drinks came a few minutes later, we all jokingly raised our glasses up and said, "To the four of us!"

I laughed as I pulled my drink away. I smiled while taking the first sip. This was going to be a fun night. 

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