The truth

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I ran as fast as I could out of the ship, debris falling, live wires and fire everywhere. I knew that I didn't have time to make sure the ship was cleared. I had to find Luke and Leia, Ben was nowhere to be seen and I had to save him, I had no idea where to start though. Finally I collided with them, looking confused as they stood still, not seeming to mind any of the fallout around us
"Ben?" I asked
"Rey! We found out how to stop Palpatine!" He smiled, Luke looked fearful and Leia looked confused
"We have to try to find Luke and Leias mother-"
"Senator Amidala died many-"
"Senator Amidala wasn't their mother, She was covering for her friend"
"Then how will we find this person?" I stared confused as he sighed, looking slightly scared
"We bring back Anakin" my eyes widened as he explained his plan
"Bring back Anakin?!" I said
"We must, and only hope that she can prevent Darth Vader from returning" Leia frowned
"She didn't prevent it last time. Anakin is evil-"
"He's not evil, and we have no other choice if Palpatine and Snoke are to die"
I didn't like this, not one bit, but I knew we had to do something. So we went to find this mysterious woman, but if Padme wasn't their mother, who could have been? My mind wandered about the possibilities as we ran through the debris, rushing to bring Anakin back, I worried about what he would do and be as well, I was so nervous. We had finally found our answer, but at what cost?


I shivered as I watched Anakin rise, knowing how bad it could be, he looked around confused and in shock. He was extremely handsome, I suppose his redemption took him to before Darth Vader, his shaggy brown hair in his face. He looked at his children and hugged them tightly
"Leia? Luke? How..."
"Father we need your help, please" Leia begged, he pushed his long hair from his face and nodded
"What can I do?" He asked
"We have to find mother, we feel she may be able to save us, she may be our last hope"
"Is not our real mother, we know that she was just a cover up, but why, we couldn't figure out"
"Padme pretended to be your mother because your real mother saw the darkness covering me, she knew she was in danger and she couldn't let you two be in danger, she sent you two away so she could try to save me and wouldn't have to worrry about you getting caught and dying, or worse. She knew Padme was trustworthy, however padme came back for your mother the night of the Jedi Genocide and unfortunately perished. Your mother found her and presumed the two of you to be dead as well"
"Is she still alive?" Luke asked
"No...I held her as she died, the night the Jedi Genocide happened. I tried to save her, Palpatine told me if I went to the dark side I could in fact save her, but it was a lie"
"So who is she? And how do we find her?"
"If you're going to find your mother, it may take more than me. We'll have to bring back the person that buried her, her brother"
"Who's her brother? Who was she even? Why do we know nothing of her?"
"All will be answered in due time, she can answer more than any of us. Right now, let's bring her brother back and find her body. Where's Obi-Wan?"
"Obi-Wan?" Leia frowned, Anakin sighed and nodded as he finally looked at us
"Who are these two?"
"This is Rey, and this is Ben...your grandson. Why do you need Obi-Wan Kenobi?" She began demanding answers, she needed to know who her mother was
"If you're going to find Elara Kenobi Skywalker, and I, her husband, cannot find her on my own, then you call in her brother"
"Kenobi?!" Luke and Leia said
"Wait, Obi-Wan is our uncle?" Luke said
"That's correct" Anakin smiled
"But...he never had any family-"
"He wouldn't dare mention her to you, he knew you were to believe Senator Amidala was your mother, you could never know the powers your mother held"
"But she is our mother we deserve-"
"It was for your own good."
"You didn't do many things for our own good"
"No, but protecting your mothers identity definitely was. I loved your mother with all of my heart, I had to do what she would have wanted. Now, Obi-Wan, also don't tell your mother that I killed her brother"

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