An Unexpected Hero

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After a couple of explosions we had all been scattered, Obi-Wan had been too busy fighting to save her, I wasn't quick enough, Elara had been kidnapped, we had no idea where she was or who had her. All we could do was return to the council and try to figure something out. My heart ached at the thought of losing her, at not being the hero I was supposed to be for her.

 My heart ached at the thought of losing her, at not being the hero I was supposed to be for her

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I sat there, tied up waiting for Anakin or Obi-Wan, perhaps both. I wiggled around trying to get loose, waiting to see the pain awaiting me. Where was Anakin? Why wasn't he here yet? Suddenly the door opened and there stood Dooku, I rolled my eyes as I looked around, I know what this would be. He immediately walked to me, I cringed at the closeness, then I saw someone move in the shadows. I knew Anakin was here, but I couldn't feel him like I usually do. I was quickly shook from my thoughts as Dooku caught my attention
"Little Princess Kenobi, I have a only a few questions for you, then you'll be free" he smiled
"I won't answer them"
"It's about your dear friend Anakin Skywalker. You see, we have some unfinished business to work through and it seems the only way to get his attention is to get you, why is that?"
"I will tell you nothing"
He smiled as he held his lightsaber to my throat
"Then I'll make an example out of you"
"Do your worst"
He pulled his lightsaber back, I tensed up as I prepared for the pain. Suddenly someone came from the shadows, knocking him to the ground, I stared in confusion, this wasn't Anakin. And his lightsaber was red. Dooku ended up running off, this cloaked figure kneeled before me and removed his cloak, I gasped as I saw him, my brain began to ache as I remembered things I never have before, I knew him, his face, his voice...he killed my parents, I began to panic.
"Wait Princess! I'm not your enemy! I'm only here to help you" he assured
"But're a sith! You're Darth Maul!"
"I also just saved your life. I don't think it's very fair that you're only being targeted because of your Jedi brother" he began to untie me but I fought him as much as I could
"You tried to kill me"
"Nonsense, I tried to save you, the Jedi are not what they seem"
"You killed my parents"
"No darling, those are lies that have been placed in your head" he gently untied my arms and stood me up, taking a step away from me
"Why are you so nice?"
"I have no intentions to harm you. I will return you to wherever you'd like"
"I'm not even sure where we are"
"Currently, we're on Coruscant"
"I'm home then, finally"
"Oh...well perhaps we'll meet again"
"You know, if you're hungry, I know a great place"
"That would be terrific, Princess" he smiled, he was kind and gentle, he was sweet, maybe they did lie about him
"Call me Elara" he smiled as we exited the place, I smiled as he gently nudged my shoulder, perhaps he wasn't all bad.

After we had ate and left, I entered the Jedi temple, I was eager to see Anakin and Obiwan, there were many old friends I hadn't seen in a long time that stayed here. I was walking downtown he hallway when suddenly I was face to face with Padme
"Elara! Oh what a pleasure to see you!" She smiled
"You as well-"
"Everybody is looking for you dear, would you allow me to take you to the council? I would love to rub it in Anakins face that I found you"
"That would be an honor Padme" she smiled as she grabbed my hand and walked me to the council, as we entered Anakin caught my eye, standing as he gaped, Obiwan smiled as he nodded at Padme
"Elara?! Where have you been?!" Anakin asked
"I found her, I did it" Padme smirked
"Elara, where have you been?!" He demanded as he gripped my arm, pulling me from our friends
"Anakin-" I started
"I've been worried to death about you! What happened?"
"A nice man saved my life and returned me home" I smiled, he quickly frowned as he scoffed

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