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This week's update is for you ritdieuthuoclao  Thank you for your support to this book even though it's not that interesting😂..Thank you for all the reads,votes,and comments that keeps me inspired to update hehe..

So on to the story~!


"So it was you." the guy named Shinji Takota retrieved his thin rope from her wrist as she glared down on (Y/n).
"I was wondering who dared to stop my men in retrieving our money and it turns out it was you and your pitiful team mates."

He hoped down from a water tank to face (Y/n).She watched the man's every move with precautions and a clenched fist.

"It's been so long don't you think?" He stopped infront of her,"How's life without parents?"

As soon as those words escaped from his mouth,he disappeared and reappeared behind her with a powerful kick.

Out of reflexes,she managed to block his kick with her forearm but she still glide on the dirt a few feet away out of the kick's force.

After recovering,she successfully summoned her twin blades and charged towards the man.

Shinji dodged all her attacks but she still managed to land a few cuts on his skin.

"Suiton: Suiten Hōfutsu" Shinji waved some handsigns and sent a powerful wave of water towards her from the lake infront of the bounty checkout.

(Y/n) easily deflect the jutsu,"Just incase you've forgotten old man," she said and waved her own hand signs,"I am from Kirigakure!"

"Suichūtotsu!!" She waved some handsigns and controlled some of the waters to attack her opponent but was easily dodged by Shinji.

"What about this little girl!" Shinji's speed made it easier for him to catch her off guard,resulting for his kick to land on her side.

She once again glide onto the ground with pained expression,she let go of her one katana to hold her side.

"(Y/n)!! Are you alright?!" Neji called out to her while running to her aid.

Shinji noticed this and turned to flee,"It was nice playing with you but I'm afraid I need to inform the others of your arrival."

He ran towards the Tea country with a triumphant smirk on his lips,"Until then,(Y/n)."

"Not so fast!" (Y/n) also ran after him and picked her other katana on the ground before dismissing them.

"Wait!" Neji tried to stop her but to no avail she still pushed forward as not to loss Shinji's trail.

"O-oy!" Shikamaru noticed this and tried to call out to them but was ignored.

"Your opponent is right here!" His opponent swang his sword on him, causing him to leap backwards to avoid a lethal attack.

He was left no choice but to watch his other team mates disappear further into the forest.

Neji fanally caught up with (Y/n),"What are you trying to do?!"

"I can't let him notify his comrades Neji!" She exclaimed in frustration as their gap with Shinji expand in front of her eyes,"All our efforts would go in vain." she whispered before going faster.

"Suiton: Daiteppōdama!" She shot large sphere shaped water towards their enemy for him only to dodge it with ease.

She speed up to try and catch up with him,concentrating in pursuing their enemy,and so she didn't notice the strings she stepped on.

Paper bombs that was attached on kunais came speeding towards her,as if on slow motion,her eyes widened when she realized it was too late for her to either dodge nor counter attack the thing that was coming at her.

In the last second,she closed her eyes.Waiting for the moment her body would be thrown meters away from Shinji,only,it never came.

She was instead wrapped in warm embrace,giving a cushion on her impact with the ground after rolling on the dirt.

"N-neji!" She sat up after removing Neji's arms on her,"Why did you do that?!" worry was visible on her face as she placed Neji's head on her lap.

"That was reckless to do." Neji painfully smiled and poked her forehead,"At least you're fine."

"I should be the one telling you it was a reckless act you baka." She started healing Neji's back for it was the part of his body that received most damage.

"Why did you do that?!" She whisper-yelled at him while still trying to heal his wounds on his back.

"I honestly don't know." he turned towards the opposite direction,"It felt like my body has it's own mind."

She opened a container before popping some pills on his mouth after she stopped his wound's bleeding.

"(Y/n)!" She turned towards the voice that called her to see Temari and Shikamaru with lots of scratches and some minor wounds on their exposed skin.

A slight relief washed over her to see that they were okay beside their injuries.

But somehow  disappointed when she realized that they were blown back that far for Temari and Shikamaru to catch up with them faster than she expected.

"How's it going here?" Temari crouched down on their level to see Neji's eyelids dropping slowly.

"It's okay... I guess." She answered while closing the container ."He'll be asleep for a couple of hours or maybe days with this recuperating pills." she informed.

"Let's get moving then." They looked at Shikamaru who also crouched down to pick Neji.

As much as it is risky to change a camping location,they have to reach the fire borders to make everything easier for the following days of their journey.

Shikamaru carried Neji on his back and moved forwards,having no choice,the two ladies on their team also followed suit.

They moved in slower pace than usual.Taking this as an opportunity,(Y/n) moved closer to Temari to heal some of her injuries.

"(Y/n)." she called out when she felt a soothing feeling radiating from her arms,"Y-you should save your chakra." Temari tried to pull her arms away but (Y/n)'s grip on her arms didn't loosen.

"No,I can also take some pills to restore my chakra faster." she said, concentrating on healing her cousin's arm,"Besides,as soon as we camp later,I'd be healing Shikamaru next." she continued.

It was late at night when they built their camp,exhaustion made it easier for them to fall asleep but since Temari was somehow healed,she volunteered to take watch.

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