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Sun rays hit Neji's face who was peacefully sleeping on a futon.

He slowly opened his eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling.He lay their for a couple of seconds to make his sight more steady.Slowly sitting up while holding his head as it was spinning.

His surrounding was unregistered to his memory so he looked confused.

As if on cue,the door opened to reveal (Y/n) who was carrying a small bucket of water with a towel.An older lady with white hair by her side.

(Y/n) gave a warm and gently smile with a relieved eyes as she looked at Neji.

"You're finaly awake,anata." Neji looked at (Y/n) with shock on his face,"(Y/n)?" he asked with doubt.

She moved closer to him and set the bucket beside his futon before kneeling beside him,"Is something wrong dear?"

He secretly pinched his thigh just to make sure but soon soothed the pain, Definetly not a dream he thought.

"You youngsters should talk." the old lady smiled at them and turned towards the door to leave,"I'd be waiting outside." she then closed the door behind her but without grinning happily,"Hmm..young love." she giggled slightly.

"Uhm." Neji looked down with a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

(Y/n) lightly chuckled while putting the towel on the bucket of water."It's okay Neji." she then removed the excess water on the towle before wiping Neji's cheeks,causing him to jump in shock.

"I-I can.." he stammer and tried to snatch the towel on her hands but (Y/n) stopped him.

"It's okay." again,she smiled gently at him.

It took a while before (Y/n) opened a topic between them."We're currently in the outskirt of the Tea Coutry." she started.

"Luckily there was a new village here for us to stay while you recover." she finishid wiping his face as she explained the situation to him,"but it's not enough for you to fully recover."

Repeating the process of rinsing the towel into the bucket,she gently wipe his upper body,that was when Neji realized he was topless and is covered with bandages.

He blushed heavily and turned the other way,"Where's Shikamaru and Temari?" he asked to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh." She stopped wiping his body for a moment,causing Neji to look at her,"About that." she blished,matching the Neji's crimson face,"Shika came up with this strategy.They moved forward this early morning,thus leaving me to take care of you.He said we need to hide our real identities so he hid our forehead protector and we need to split in two groups to pretend to be.." she trailed off blushing more and gently bit her lips."To be?" Neji asked,finally facing her,watching as her lips caught on her teeth for a lip bite.

"To be married." she whispered but enough for him to hear as her blush deepen more if it was possible while she looked at the floor,completely stopping from wiping his body.

After registering the words he heard,he also blushed with a dark shade of red.They were completely was lose of words to say to each other.

"T-t-then," Neji was the first one to recover but stuttered with his words,I never stuttered before! What's happening with me?! he taught to himself. "W-when ca-can we..uhm..go?" he asked

(Y/n) cleared her throat but still refused to meet his gaze,"We can....st-start..m-moving later."

She then hurriedly stood up and picked the bucket beside the futon and turned around to leave,"I fixed your clothes,it's beside the futon.Come outside later." she glanced behind her while saying those words in a small and meek voice before going outside the small village house.

Neji blinked after the door she came out from before looking at his hands.
Realization soon hit him as his hand immediately shot to his forehead.Instead of touching and making contact with his skin,surface of the bandage was what meet his fingertips.

He sighed in relief and a small smile crept on his lips.He picked his clothes up and checked it,the threads where she sewed was unnoticeable as if his clothes was never thorn.

He wore his shirt and fixed his clothes before standing up from the futon,he pulled the door and was greeted by a scenery in front of him.Outside the house was a water than expand beyond his sight without the byakugan activated.

A salty yet refreshing air made his grouped of hair sway on his back,an almost perfect place to start on my own,he thaught.

"You finally came out young lad."he looked back to where he heard the voice from"Your wife is over there,she cook pretty decently.You're so lucky to have her." she said before laughing quietly. Effect of old age can be heard on her voice but a sign of loving women can also be distinguished on her tone.

Neji blushed on her words but composed himself immediately,"Right." he said after clearing his throat.

The elderly women lead him into the small kitchen of the village to where (Y/n) was cooking for them.

They opened the door to see (Y/n) struggling to reach for a container above her head.Neji lightly chuckled before moving towards her.

As (Y/n) stand on her tiptoes to reach for a salt on a small stall,a hand came on her view and the next minuet,she felt a sturdy chest pressed against her back.

She looked up to see the face of the owner of the hands ,only to blush slightly,causing them to look at each other longer than necessary.

"Here." Neji gently whispered to her as he gave the container to her.She blinked at him before getting it from his hand with a small thanks.

The old lady giggled to herself as she walked outside once again to give them time to themselves.

Neji leaned on a nearby wall and watched her stir whatever she was cooking.

They were enveloped by a light and comforting silence as they mind their own bussines.It was as if they were really married.A normal day for a newly wed couple.She cooks for them,and he appreciate the view in front of him.

May or may not be a destiny ~Neji Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now