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"What took you guys so long.." Temari whined at her cousin when they finally showed up at the place they was supposed to meet at.

"Come on now Temari," (Y/n) jokingly pushed her cousin's face away from hers,"Don't whine.What are you?Ten?" she laughed,"Besides,as if you didn't enjoy being alone with Shika." she teased her with her eyebrows going up and down.

"Well," Temari look at her with a teasing smile,"We did.What about you and Neji then?"

(Y/n) gasped at her cousin's retort and quickly covered her mouth,"Shut it!"

Temari's laughter was muffled because of (Y/n)'s hand over her mouth but didn't stop at this.

"Troublesome women." Shikamaru shook his head at them,"Stop playing around and be ready for our next journey."

Temari looked at him and rolled her eyes,"Whatever." she glared after pulling her cousin's hand down.She then hooked her arm around (Y/n)'s and dragged her away.

"Hey!" she called out to her husband,"Go check if there's an available ship that could sail us towards Sky Country." she demanded before pulling her cousin in one of the bath house of the village at the end of the Tea Country.

"Stop bossing me around geez." Shikamaru complained but walked towards the shore anyways.

There,Neji was already talking to the owner of one of the ships.

"How'd it went?" Shikamaru asked as soon as he was ear reached away from Neji.

The lather turned towards his teammates before shaking his head.
"They said if we want to go to Sky Country,we should wait until tomorrow." he sighed. "No body wants to take us there at this hour."

Instead of disappointment,Shikamaru nodded his head and lit a cigarette."That's okay.We still have time for ourselves to regain our energy."

Shikamaru then turned towards a small inn,"Besides,Temari and (Y/n) would take ages before they decide to come out from the bath house."

Neji looked at him for a moment and then chuckled to himself,Must be a girl's thing. he thought to himself and followed Shikamaru towards the inn.

Meanwhile,inside the women's bath house,Temari was giggling at (Y/n) who just stripped off her last clothing.

"Ne~" she poked (Y/n)'s side with a teasing smile,"Spit it out.~"

As soon as (Y/n) heard her words,she immediately knew what she was talking about,thus,blush tinted her whole face.

"Stop teasing me already!" she whispered-yelled while covering her whole face with both hands,trying to hide her embarrassment.

Instead of stopping,Temari's smile grew as she laughed at her and splashed water on her standing figure,causing her to yelp in surprise.

"Geez." After finally calming down,she joined Temari on the hot springs,soaking her body up to her chest."You're acting like a teenager." she shook her head at her.

"You're one to talk." Temari retorted,"Something happened to both of you already.Why still be embarrassed?"

There it goes again.(Y/n) thought and rolled her eyes.Temari and her smart mouth.

"It's not that simple." her eyebrows knitted so slightly as she sighed.

"How come it's not that simple?" Temari raised a brow,"It's time for you to get married.Besides,I could tell he cared for you by the way he looked at you when you returned from Suna."

"Speaking of Suna," Temari changed the topic and looked at (Y/n) with excitement,"How was Gaara and Kankuro doing?"

(Y/n) looked at her and smiled,"They're fine.It's just that, Kankuro became more annoying." she said and chuckled lightly.

"That's good to hear then." Temari smiled and stretched her arms together upwards."So,what did the elders called you for?"

"Uhn." (Y/n) sighed and slumped her shoulders,"It was terrible." she shrunk her body deeper until the water touched her chin.

Temari looked at her alarmed,"W-what?" she asked worriedly.

"How to put this." (Y/n) murmured to herself,"You see,the clan of Arino proposed an alliance between their clan and our family through marriage."

"The Arino?" Temari stood up from the hot spring to reach for a face towel,"The clan that was said to be a legend in the field of poison?"

"What's wrong with that?It was a great opportunity to tie the village with a great ally." she added while walking back towards the water,"So which one is it? Gaara or Kankuro?" she excitedly asked.

Upon hearing her remarks,(Y/n) only sighed,It would be better if that was the case. she thought.

"Neither." she murmured which Temari confusedly looked at her.

"You see,the Arino member they want to marry off was a guy.So it's me." she blurted out in one go.

Her cousin blinked at her...Then again,"What?!" Temari suddenly stood up and towered over (Y/n).As much as she want to laugh at her cousin's epic reaction,she can't even find herself to smile with the thought of marrying someone you didn't even meet prevented her.

"I said,-" (Y/n) started but was cut off immediately."I heard you the first time." Temari lowly growled.

"Ugh." she composed herself and sat opposite (Y/n) again."Then don't accept it." she added."Who cares about the family who are expert in poisoning." she murmured to herself.

"Again.Temari,it's not that simple." (Y/n) shook her head,"Sunagakure is in danger."

"Now before you ask or give an aggressive reaction,let me finish." She raised her hand to silence her,"You see.As the legends says,the Arinos are expert in poisoning,and something happened to the Suna shinobis who accepted missions outside the village.They keep pn coming back poisoned.Each day,we are losing shinobis.And the only way to detoxify them is to get our hands on a herb called Seireiso." she explained.

"That herb grows every one hundred years and can only be found on a certain mountain." she continued "And from here,I guess you already know where that herb is,right?"

Temari was at lost of words for a moment.She was deep in thought to try to come up with any idea but to no luck,she can't find anything for them to try.

The water then suddenly moved,causing Temari to look at (Y/n) who stood up infront of her.But before Temari could ask what's wrong,(Y/n) started running outside the hot spring.

She clumsily wrapped a towel around her and placed a hand to prevent it from falling which barely covered her body while her other hand clutched her mouth.

Temari tried to call out to her but (Y/n) didn't glanced at her.She stare at her back for a moment,C-chould she be --? she also hurridly wrapped a towel around her and followed after (Y/n) which led her into the bathroom.

"(Y-y/n)." she looked at her cousin who was gripping the toilet bowl so hard that her knuckles turned white.


dun dun dun ddduuun~

Soo this is the last update for this week😂

What might have caused her to vomit?,hmm I wonder😂

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