Eclipse part 22

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walking down the stairs my nostrils filled with the sweet aroma of Pancakes . My mouth watered already imagine the taste of them. I was about to greet the staff but jaebum’s figure on the couch surprised me. White button up shirt loosely hang on his body with a pair of tight denim pants . Well it's a simple outfit considering he always in suite but this look on him makes my heart doing a weird thing. He hasn’t styled up his hair and let it down to his forehead . His eyes are focus on the newspaper while his arms holding a mug and the paper. He looks up from the paper noticing my presence .
Good morning yoojin” He greeted me with a dashing smile of his. I shift my eyes away from him before he catch my staring .
Good morning jaebum” I greeted back. He flash another smile making my stomach clench . Looks like someone is in a good mood.
aren't you late ” I said taking a seat in front of him.
nope it's my free day” he said folding the newspaper .
Why you don't like me in here” He asked lifting his eyebrow .
I widen my eyes that's not what I meant.
No.. it's not like that " I said almost immediately  .
Then you like me staying home”
“Well I-” I groan when I see the mischievous looks in his eyes.
Jaebum!" I said glaring at him.
I'm just kidding ” he said chuckling .
Let's have breakfast I was waiting for you" he said getting up from the couch .
Are you free today" He asked .
“Yes why” I asked while shoving a delicious pancake in my mouth .
Just you know I thought maybe we can go outside today since both of us are in home today ” he said while focusing on his pancakes .
Only if you want of course ” he said immediately . Taking me silence as a no
“I would love to jaebum ” I said smiling at him.
He look at me with a grin happy about my answer.
okay then good"
"Ah right -" I said remembering about my mother.
My mother invite us for a dinner ” I asked looking at him
Is that so we can go on another day it's okay”
“No .. we have the whole day let's go somewhere and after that we will go for my house for the dinner how’s that”
sure we can do that” he said nodding along
it's good to know that you are keeping a touch with them again If you are to be angry with someone it should be me not them” He said looking down at his plate with a sad smile.
I stare at for a second and focus on my own plate too . Unable to say anything for him. But the silence filled in the room torture me we were in a light mood a minute ago.
I'm not angry with you” I said breaking the silence . Jaebum's gaze shift to my face and he held my eyes for a second and pass me a small smile and then focus on his plate one again. It wasn’t enough . I know .
We decided to go for a movie . A romantic comedy . Well both of us really didn't have any taste and action movie or a romantic one wouldn’t fit with us so yeah we pick the best option available . And who knows maybe a good laugh is all we want.
Well I was right . It's indeed the best option cause It gave me the chance to hear Mr. Im jaebum’s not so famous laugh . I felt truly happy hearing his laughter beside me not every day you got to hear that. I couldn’t help but to shift my gaze from the screen to watch him smilingly so freely and he didn't even notice my stares .
You know you should smile more I didn't knew you could laugh loud like that” I told when we step out of the theatre . His eyes go widen and He look at me with shocked expression and I could almost see his ears turning red with the embarrassment. He quickly shift his gaze to the front turning away from me.
Smile more beomie It's look good on you" I said while patting his shoulder and quickly walk ahead of him before he realize what I said.
beomie Yah! Who do you think you are calling that" I heard him yelled after me as I burst in to a giggles .
Jaebum stop the car at the park that we came before . We decided to go for a walk before we went to my parents house.
How's your internship at hanyang you didn't tell me about it” he asked . Oh right
Well what you want to know” I ask while looking at the lake while walking"
Mmm I don't know anything interesting ?” he said while putting  his hands in  pocket of his pants.
Interesting ??..then do you want to talk about Dr. Park jinyoung he is handsome man I'm sure he is interesting enough to talk about” I asked with a teasing voice while I try to control my laughter . He turn his head toward me with a irritated expression until he see the look on my face.
Forget that I even asked ”he said with groan and fasten his speed. Well teasing his was fun!
Oh jaebum wait I was just kidding ” I said giggling .
well not funny then” he said glaring down at me but relax his face afterwards .
okay okay I'm sorry”
“well there is someone interesting well adorable actually ”
I said with a laugh remembering Eunie . Hearing the adoration in my voice he shift his gaze back to me looking interesting .
whose that”
So I spend the time telling him all about Eunie and of course about her condition too well it's sad It didn't go unnoticed by me the look of pity cross jaebum’s eyes.
Why did you want to become a cardiologist if I didn't know any better I would thought that you want be a    Paediatrician 
I smile at his question .
well there isn’t any reason maybe I just want to protect the  organ that we value the most ” I said smiling which he also return .
"You look happy when Your talking about your field , I'm glad that you do something that makes you happy" he said and  his eyes holding  an unknown emotion to me  .
What about you jaebum are you also happy” I question him with out me knowing . His eyes drop to the ground and return with a harden expression . He look pass at me at the lake.
“I don't know... at least I can be happy watching you”

*not edited*
Written by@naveeranasinghe

Suddenly I want to give yall a little fluff (not exactly ) chap 😂 sometimes my head it filled with ideas and then it’s go blank duh 😣 let me know your thoughts and Thank u if u read until now 🙈

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