Eclipse part 24

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As soon as I step in to the staff room Hyujin's busy form caught my attention .she is organizing some files in the corner  hurriedly .
Hey there”
“oh YOOJIN! come quickly help me to organize this corner" She said gesturing me to come.
wah what’s gotten in to you today  ” I said grabbing some files from her hand and putting them in an order
well basically Mr. CEO plan to visit the hospital unannounced and He plan to visit our section specifically and we got a sudden call to organize things immediately cause our god damn CEO doesn’t like messy places even though I can’t understand why would he visit our section in the first place” she said in a one go clearly annoyed by the situation .
I look at her confused trying to digest her words .
Well CEO as in jaebum well i'm pretty sure that god damn CEO must be jaebum . Oh right ! Did he really plan to visit the hospital just because i refuse his ride .
Hey no time to waste I'm going to check on patient can you organize these files and bring these to Dr.Park ”she said pointing the box of files in front of me and leave the room immediately . I let out a heavy sigh and start to work on the matter.
finally” I exhaled loudly after discarding the empty box . I glance back to the now organized rack with a satisfied smile . After returning these to Dr.Park I can finally go to see the kids. Trying to fit them all in my arms I exist the staff room heading to Dr. Park .
my arms are literally arching under the weight of them so I fasten my speed a bit more securing files in both of my hands. As soon as I take a turn in a hallway I collide in to something or rather someone dropping a half of the files to the floor only been able to caught a few out of reflex .
I'm sorry ” I said while gathering the papers that scattered on the floor hurriedly shoving them with out checking.
It's okay I didn't see you coming” said a voice crouching down to gather some of the papers . I would have notice the familiarity of the voice if I haven't been focused on the mess in front of me. But familiar shining ring caught my attention and I raised my head to get a proper view of the person in front of me. I widen my eyes as soon as I caught His mischievous eyes looking down at me . I almost called out his name until someone bring my attention back .
OH Mr.Lim are you okay” a voice called out which I recognized as the director of the hospital .an old man probably in his 60s  He hurriedly make his way toward jaebum faking his concern which jaebum shrugged  off with a simple glance.
you okay ”jaebum asked handing me some papers he collects and his sharp eyes boaring to mine .
huh” I look at him clueless .
Yoojin” another voice break my trance as I felt someone’s presence behind me .
Dr.Park grab files from jaebum’s hand and lift me to stand beside me. He bow to jaebum slightly as he also stand to face us.
Mr.Lim meet Dr.Park Jinyoung Head of the Cardiology section ” he introduced him with a proud smile.
"It's pleasure to meet you Dr. Park I have heard a quite things about you"
"Pleasure is all mine sir" Dr.park said while streching his hand toward jaebum.
Jaebum held his hand for a firm handshake and his eyes never left Dr.park 's form and then he shift his eyes at me and lift his eyebrow with a smirk and I look down refusing to meet his gaze as I silently beg him to not to expose me in front of everyone  .
Dr.Park please Join us Mr.Lim would like to visit our patient areas ” Director said signalling him to accept his request 
sure Mr. Kim but please excuse me for a bit I have to check up on a matter immediately ” he said and Bow at Jaebum excusing him and signalling me to come with me.
Bowing to the rest I quickly follow his lead but never  failed to notice the pair of sharp eyes watching my every step.
Oh take a breath yoojin no one going to cancel your internship just because you bump in to the Heads ”  Dr.Park tease me with a kind smile and I let out a breath that I unconsciously held into .
Ah yes here are the files that you request Dr .” I said
Yes” he said and go through them until his eyes land on particular red file. My curious eyes fell in to the name card and I narrow my eyes when I acknowledge it is Eunie's .
Is something wrong Dr.” I asked out of curiosity . His worried gaze fell in to me .
Well Eunie's isn’t in the best condition lately and I'm afraid we would have to go through a surgery in no time” he said closing the file
I have to go now " he said and I bow at him and exit his cabin and make my way toward the ward.
Eunie greet me as soon as I step in to the room and I smile brightly at her enthusiasm . Young women seated beside her and I slightly bow at her  .
So you must be Yoojin I'm haera Eunie's mother” she said giving me a small smile and I return her  one of mine
“Yes nice to meet you ”
“unnie come My mom brought me this we could play all day” she said showing her new toy kit and I laugh at her while ruffling her hair. Since her condition isn’t good she isn’t allowed outside and appoint to bed rest all day . poor thing . I look at her mom and can’t help but feel bad for her .
Miss yoojin ” I snap my gaze at the tall man in black suit
Mr.Lim request your presence immediately ” i widen my eyes at him. He what
“please come with me ” he said and I look around to see if anyone watching us. Since the morning all most everyone is whispering about his unannounced presence . Just when I thought He left. I can’t help but cringe at when the female staff start to gossip about how handsome and success he is even at his young age and probably be a bachelor blah blah blah. And even Hyujin came to me saying that I had a hard time controlling myself not to snap at her right away . Well I don't know I felt irritation run through my veins just a thought of it.  I'm his wife they don't get to talk about  him when I'm right here and I don't care even if no one knew it at all.
The elevator stop when it came to the highest floor and I follow his lead with out a question . Jaebum wouldn’t expose me in front of them right. I felt relieved when I found no one in that floor except for few men in black and they slightly bow at me.
We stop in front of a glass door and he knock at it and open the door for me .
I step inside realizing he wouldn’t follow me in side when he close the door behind me. There he he is , he stood back facing me while his eyes observing  the outside through huge glass windows.
Jaebum” I called since it's only two of us inside.
He turn to me with a devilish smile of his and mischievous dancing through his black orbs.
Oh hello Miss yoojin or should I say Mrs.Lim” he said walking toward my direction  with slow strides .
I narrow my eyes at him
Why are you here no why am I here”  I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
Why can’t I visit my wife " he said putting a offended look . I glare at him
No you can’t just when I told you I don't want anyone to know about me and here you are ”
“Relax yoojin no one know , that I can guarantee” he said leaning against the desk.
Okay then why am I here " I asked crossing my arms in front of my chest.
His hands reach to hold my waist and he pulled me slightly to him . I widen my eyes surprised since when he start to  act like this.
It's because I miss you maybe” He said pinching my cheeks lightly  . I look down at my shoes unable to look at his eyes. Okay what’s wrong with me.
you are on your lunch break right let's have lunch together “he said standing up and dragging me to the couch in front of us.
No jaebum I have to go before Hyujin notice ”
“Oh come one tell her that you went out side for lunch”
“Jaebum ” I said knowing fully well I can’t just say something and she would believe immediately .
Okay fine then stay with me for a minute then you can go ”
“By the way at least tell them you are married before someone try to make a move on you”
I raised my eyebrow at him
Well no need of that I don't think anyone would do that”
“Why not I don't trust anyone specially that Park guy"
“Dr.jinyong no way ” I said laughing at the thought of it.
Oh look how happy you are mentioning his name what are you guys even friends ” he said rolling his eyes. Wait a minute is he jealous now no way
Should I say yes if he asked me out , i shouldn’t skip a chance like that right he is everyone’s dream date" as soon as I said jaebum’s eyes narrow at me.
What! did you forget that you are married and that's basically cheating and what’s s so great about him I am more handsome than he is and I bet everyone on your floor gossiping about me right now” he said with a confident tone .well he is right but like i would let him believe it
You are buffing ” i said making a face at him
“Oh yeah You mean he can make your heart beat race than I do” jaebum said smirking down at me and making his way toward me. I narrow at my eyes at him and automatically start to take a step back matching his until my back hit the wall beside me . I widen my eyes at him
Yah jaebum ” I warn him
“Tell me then I didn't make your heart race , not even now” he said leaning down at my face his eyes glistening with playfulness . Of course i would be lying  to say no . Not a long ago I found my heart doing funny things when he is around and when we almost kissed last night my heart beat like crazy and even now I can’t help but to wonder my eyes to his lips as his doing the same to mine. But will I admit it ? hell no and give him the satisfaction he is seeking . He leaned closer to my face as i felt his breath fanning me but I held my ground I didn't back away nor I break the eyes contact and I keep telling my self to not to close my eyes like he expect me to do. I know he is playing with me.
He narrow his eyes at me and then back away with a frown.
That's not fair you are supposed to close your eyes” he said  defeated .
I laugh at him
Life is not fair Mr.Lim jaebum ” I said patting his head when he went to lean on the desk once more.
don't do that" he said shaking his head and turning it slightly to avoid my hand clearly annoyed by me.
Do what this”I said once more reaching to pat his head but he caught my hand in mid air glaring at me.
stop or else”
“Or else what did I make our little jaebumie upset” okay I know I'm testing his limits . but he is so fun to tease . just this annoying yet dangerous look in his face keep pushing me to test my luck.
Or else I” He didn't finished his sentence as he pulled my hand making my body crash in to his as he captured my lips with his to a not so gentle kiss. I widen my eyes too shocked to even process as I felt his hand leaving my hand to tilt my face to get a  better angle and his other make it way toward my waist pulling me closer to his body between his legs and all the time his lips never leaving mine. His lips felt soft against mine but his moves are not as he trying to make me feel his frustration through the kiss. I felt him tug on my bottom lip but I'm too shocked to even react and sensing my lack of response he break the kiss and stare at my wide eyes .
Or else I would kiss you senseless ”

Okay the longest chap I Have ever written . 😅 I honestly don’t know but I keep writing and then I thought to divide this to two chaps but upload like this anyway.
First kiss right here everyone Why do I feel like I take too long for that anyway thank u for reading if you read until now 🤗

Stay safe 👍

Written by @naveeranasinghe

Eclipse - arranged marriage Jaebum Where stories live. Discover now