chapter seven

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yeosang gets ready for the day as he sets his plans to hangout with hongjoong as he planned to. he was still caught up and couldn't stop thinking about his first kiss with hongjoong but it didn't mean anything to him. he was just excited that he was able to get it over with.

as yeosang arrives he already had ideas of what to do today.

"hello, joongie" yeosang knocks on the door as he hears footsteps walking towards the door.

"hey sangie," hongjoong opens the door as yeosang rushes in excited to hangout but sees wooyoung sitting down on the bed looking sad.

"oh hey, woongie what's wrong?" yeosang rushed over to wooyoung wondering why he looked sad.

"it's just... it's san" wooyoung started to tear up as he replied to yeosang looking down.

"what happened with san?" yeosang comforted wooyoung as he put his head up.

"when he left to go get food he left his phone and it kept ringing... so i went to go turn it off but i looked at what caused the ringing and it was some guy named felix.. they were talking about how they are going to go to beach together and there was bunch of talk about this other guy" wooyoung started to drift tears down his cheek.

"oh c'mon, felix lee from the engineering substitute... he's literally new. he came like 2 days ago." hongjoong looked at both yeosang and wooyoung with an eyebrow up.

"hongjoong your not helping" yeosang gave hongjoong the death stare

"how do you know if it even meant anything?" yeosang asked the boy crying in front of him

"we all know san's a hoe, but i'm the biggest one here. but he could have told me that he was going to go with someone else rather than leave me alone. and he's used to me flirting with everyone. that's just who i am." wooyoung started to burst out in tears more.

"well does he even know that you know?" hongjoong decided to speak up sitting next to wooyoung.

"no he doesn't, i left before he got back. but that's besides the point" wooyoung exclaimed to both yeosang and hongjoong.

"okay, i have an idea. instead of sitting here crying over san let's go out shopping." yeosang changed the subject hoping to better minds as he stood up.

"really?" wooyoung looked up at yeosang with brighter eyes knowing he loved shopping.

"yes. c'mon... let's go spend hundreds of dollars on clothes and stuff we don't need!" yeosang spoke louder and he grabbed wooyoung up from the bed.

"i totally agree." hongjoong grabbed his belongings ready to leave.

"so are we up for it woongie?" yeosang looked straight into wooyoung's eyes.

"yes of course" wooyoung rolled his eyes with a smile while the three boys went up to the front door putting on their shoes and leaving the dorm.

the three boys got into hongjoongs car and started to go to wooyoung's favorite outlet mall.

"can we go please go to louis vuitton? please please please?" wooyoung begged yeosang and hongjoong that were in front of him.

"yes woo, it's your money." hongjoong looked at wooyoung while yeosang once again gave him a death stare.

"what? your always looking at me like your about to kill me?" hongjoong looked at yeosang with pouty lips. yeosang looked away and turned wooyoung.

"of course you can" yeosang smiled walking with wooyoung while hongjoong was walking right behind them.

the three boys walked into the gold store and a few others to kill time. they stopped at the food court to get some chinese food. the boys ate stopped there for a while.

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