9. RED

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The waiter delivered our bill. I offered to pay again but Matt just gave me a look that made me shut up. As we got up to go it began to drizzle. We walked out of the restaurant door and it began to rain.

"How are you going home?"

"Well I came with an Uber so I'll just take one back."

"No,don't worry about it I'll take you home,my driver should be here any minute now," Driver? Why would a detective need a driver?

The rain began to hit harder. Matt saw shelter in the alley way next to the restaurant,so we ran there.

"Uhhh,Kamila,do you know that your dress is see through?"

"What do yo-," I look down only to see my dress clinging to my body with my red thong and bra showing. I instantly try to cover myself with my arms. Matt takes off his suit coat and gives it to me.

"Here, this should help."

I turn around and- ,"Mmmmm," Matt growls,"and you're wearing a thong, are you trying to tease me?" His facial expression shows that he's frustrated.

I quickly cover my self up with his coat, "I didn't know the dress was like this,its my first time wearing it." Matt's driver arrives and he walks ahead of me,almost ignoring me and he opens the door for me.Matt gets in after me and the first 5 minutes of the drive is silent. I look into my purse to take out my keys.

"Shit I don't have my keys."

"It's okay,you can stay over at my place, I can't leave you outside your house to search for your keys in the rain.

I look at him and smile, "Thank you."

I wonder what his place looks like.A few minutes later we pull up to a huge drive way gate. HOLY HELL, this is his place? Is he some secret billionnair ? We get into his yard and he gets out of the car first and comes around to open the door for me. I get out and we start running to the door. He opens the door to his house. I get inside and im agaust . Its absolutely huge and beautiful.

"Can I get a tour?"

"Nope,absolutely not, not right now anyway, you're dripping all over my floors,you missy need a hot shower."

"Ohhhh,ehh,yeah I'm sorry about that,but what am I supposed to wear after that,"we begin walking up the stairs and I think he's guiding me to the bathroom.

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure my sister has some spare clothes and you look about the same size as her."

"Ohhh, does she stay with you."

"No actually, she stays with my parents but when she comes to visit she has her own room and her own clothes...okay so this is the master bathroom,if you need anything shout for me I should be able to hear you."

"Okay." Matt walks away and leaves me alone. I look into the mirror and realize how glad I am to not have been wearing mascara. My hair was in odd clumps and there were water droplet on my eyelashes. I didn't look too bad, but I was still a mess. I took of my damp clothes and entered the shower.

When my shower was over I opened the glass shower door only to come out and see no towel. Oh no , what am I going to do. I can't just walk around his house naked. Wait he said if I needed anything I should shout for him.


I hear footsteps, "Yeah," he says will pushing opening the door. I push it back.

"Wait don't come in, I , ehhh, I need a towel."

I can hear laughing on the other side of the door, " Okay, wait a second." I hear him leave and then come back, "Okay open the door slightly so that I can pass the towels."

I open the door just wide enough and take the towels quickly before I close the door. I wrap it around my body and the other around my hair and pick up my stuff from the floor. I open the door while looking at my chipped nail red polished toe nails only to walk smack into something hard. I look up and I see a smiling Matt, that has changed into a white t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"Leave your dress and whatever else in the washing basket over there."

I walk towards the washing basket and put in my dress and my bra, my panties had slightly dried off during the duration of my shower so I keep it with me and place my shoes on the floor. I walk towards Matt and he hands me a long sleeved white t-shirt and plaid pants. I take it and close the door again. Once I'm done I look into the mirror and notice that my nipples look like little peaks over my boobs and they're very noticeable. I try crossing my arms over to cover them but that only makes the top of my boobs look bigger. I soon give up and open the door.

" Took you long enough," he looks at my face and then his eyes drop to my chest and then back up to my face, "Come on let's go."

As we leave the bathroom, I notice a door with a weird looking handle. I walk towards it and try to open the door.

"Hey what's in here."

"That room is private."

Why would a room be pr-, "It's a playroom isn't it?"



Hey guys, sorry to stop when it just got good, but I wanted to tell you that this is the last chapter i'm publishing this weekend. I'm going to be busy during the week so I don't know when I'm going to publish again,but when I do you will know. Hope you guys like it. :)

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STAY SAFE!!!!!!!

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