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Once I got home, I had no idea what to do since I already ate, so I decided to call Kera.


"Hey gurl, what's happening."
"Hey Kera, so I'm a bit bored, do you want to go out to do some shopping or something."
"Ohh yess of course, I love shopping, youknowthisonetimeiwentshoppingwithmymotherandweweretherethewholeday."
"Woaahhh,slow down there, you sound like James Charles."
"Sorry, I'm just really excited."
"I am tooo," I giggle, "why don't you send me your address and I'll pick you up from your place."
"Okay, pick me up at 15:00, I should be ready by then."
"Okay, see you then, bye..."
"Bye babe."

I have 45 minutes to get ready and get to her house.

*beep beep*

Kera: 377 Albertson avenue...

Taylor should know where that is right?
"Yes Kamila?"
"Do you know where this is?" I show him my phone, worried I'll get the name wrong, knowing my stupid self I'd probably rearrange the letters and then pronounce it.
" Unfortunately I don't know the place by heart but the GPS in the car should be able to assist."

I smack my forehead,
"Ughhh,of course the GPS, how stupid of me to forget... uhmm I'm going shopping with a friend so we're going to need to pick her up from here."

"No problem, be ready in ten minutes."

I went to my room to change, remembering that a certain someone had soiled my panties earlier. I changed into a pair of blue leggings, a white off the shoulder top and a pair of white sneakers. My hair was a slight mess on the count of Matt gripping and pulling it. I opened it and combed it vigorously until all the knots were out and it looked almost presentable, and it was back in a ponytail.


Kera's house wasn't that far away from mine, it was actually three roads away.

I opened the car door to walk out and reached her front door, there was no doorbell so I knocked three times. The door opened and Kera emerged.

Once she was saw me, she gave me a hug that almost squeezed all the air out of me. I tapped her shoulder.
"K-kerraa...I... can't-t b-breathe!"
She let go, " Oh sorry babe, I'm just so excited, I haven't had a girls day out in foreverrr!!"
"What do you mean?"
"Well the last time I did have a girl friend was first year of Uni and then she ending up stealing my boyfriend within the first few weeks of being friends her."
"*GASP* how dare that bitch."
"I know right, thankfully you don't seem like the boyfriend stealing type."
"Of course not, those kind of things should be in a girls morals, never ever steal your best friends boyfriend, don't talk or even think about dating her ex boyfriend and of course don't even message him behind her back, it's just wrong."
She jumped to my side and gave me an even tighter hug than the last.
" What's this for, " I giggle.
"I'm just glad that you know that , that's all. I once had this friend that messaged my ex boyfriend and then sent me the screenshot to make it seem as though he started the conversation and he had a girlfriend. But little did she know he still used to talk to me as friends and he send me a screenshot before she did."
" Smart guy, now as much as I love the affection you're giving me, my alveoli aren't functioning properly because someone is squeezing my lungs."
"Oh right sorry, " she removes herself from me, "so which mall are we going to?"
"I uhhmmm I thought you could choose, since I've been to one here or even ever lived here until now."
"Sure, we can go to the one down town."


We arrived at the mall and there were enough people there to make it look like Christmas.

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