Hold On Til May preference

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Hold on Til may by Pierce the veil.


I love PTV a lot. this is my favorite song by them (IK it's the most mainstream song but I love it). remember that im always here to talk because I have no friends, I love you all. Please talk to someone if you're ever feeling suicidal, depressed,the need to cut, burn, bruise or hurt yourself in anyway.

I love you and the boys love you.



She sits up high, surrounded by the sun. One million branches and she loves every one
"Mom and dad, did you search for me? I've been up here so long I'm going crazy!"

his POV
Y/N called me again saying her parents were fighting worse than usually and she hates it when they fight. It's usually about her and how much a disappointment she is, Y/n is not a disappointment to me.

I climbed up Y/n's balcony, went into her room. Sometimes she'll be reading her favorite book or listening to music full blast trying to drain out the poisoning words from her parent. She wasn't in her room, I climbed down and went to our old treehouse.

Y/n and I had this treehouse since we were kids. "Why am I such a fuck up!" Y/n cries out, I sighed and sat next her.
She leans into my chest and cries more i stroke her hair trying to soothe her.

"You're not a fuck up. I think you just have a little touch of depression." I smile at her and kissed her lips. "Do you know why their fighting again, Cal?" Y/n asks me as she pulled out our kiss. I shook my head, her breath hitched and more tears fall down her face. "I TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE!" she screams.

"I CRY OUT TO THEM AND THEY DO NOTHING. CALUM ITS LIKE THEY CANT HEAR ME, IM GOING CRAZY." Y/n stands up and starts throwing herself around. She hits her head over over and over again, I pulled Y/n into my arms. I kissed her head and we climbed down from the treehouse "Y/n im taking you to the hospital." I said, I had to because that's what you're supposed to do when someone tries.

"Y/n, you're surround by a lot of people that love you. Please don't try do this again. I love you." That was first time I've ever said I loved someone. Y/n grabs my face and crashes her lips into mine.


And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground
I heard the train shake the windows
You screamed over the sound

Your POV

to michael:

I gtg, i love you so so very much.

You got up and dressed myself up. Since You're killing yourself might as well look nice while you're doing it.

You had to get to the railroad crossing before 11pm.

"bye mom and dad I'll be with friends." you yelled as you ran out of the house. luckily the railroad crossing wasn't far, you began to cry.

You don't know how to feel anymore. do you feel happy because the pain will gone, or do you feel sad because you'll see michael or your parents again.

You stop at Michael's to say goodbye, "He's up in his room." Karen lets you in and smile. You run up to his room trying not to cry.

You knock on his door "come in." Michael replied, You walk in closed the door quickly.

"Hi gorgeous." Michael greets you with a kiss. You hug him tight and let the tears fall and You sigh "Michael, I'm leaving for a while." you lied, you're not leaving for a while you're leaving forever.

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