Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

Damien walks in three minutes later dragging a small woman behind him, he drops her in front of me and I grin down at her as she stares at me with fear. "Oh, and who is this?" In other words, tell me why the fuck she wanted me dead.

"She's a maid, she let the rebel into the servant's wing and gave him the opportunity to harm you." I hum, staring down at her with no emotions in my gaze at all.

"Well? Why did you want to kill me?" I walk around her slowly, dragging one of my claws lightly around her head, causing her to tremble, with what I thought was fear, but when I reach the front of her again, her eyes burned with rage and hate.

"You killed my husband!" I lean in to her closer, bringing my face level to hers, I had only killed a few men and they had all tried in some way to kill me.

"Oh? Was he one of the mercenaries sent to kill me or the man who let them in?" She didn't flinch when I mentioned the mercenaries, but she flinched when I mentioned the male who let them in. "Oh, it was the guy who worked in the mainframe room, huh? Well, I hate to burst you bubble, but I didn't kill him." She blinks at me in surprise, I grin at her wickedly, no doubt looking crazed with blood spatter covering my body. "He did." I nod behind her at Damien, who doesn't look the least bit guilty or remorseful, then again, her husband had tried to kill me. "It's a shame really, you could have lived your life out quietly somewhere with the money he got for even accepting that traitorous job in the first place, but instead you had to try to get revenge. Now you are going to die for your sins, just like your husband did." My hand darts forward and plunges into her chest, I ignore her soft gasp of surprise and pull my hand back out of chest, except her heart comes with it.

Grasping it with both hands, I bring the heart up to my mouth and take a large bite out of it, I chew it slowly, deliberating over the flavor, I swallow before frowning down at her horrified expression. "That didn't taste nearly as good as I thought it would. Maybe it is because your heart is tainted with all of your sins? Or maybe hearts just don't taste good, who knows?" I continue talking to her long after she takes her final breath, the blood loss from the chest wound alone killed her in about sixty seconds, in six minutes her brain would die without oxygen even if her body had already stopped working. I drop the heart, ignoring the sickeningly wet splat it makes on the ground, looking around the messy room. "Someone better clean this up before I come back. I imagine blood will stain white marble if it's left there too long." I hum, walking over to the five intruders, reaching forward I wipe my hands off with one pressed on Kalo's face and the other pressed on his shirt, leaving a bloody streak across both.

"You guys weren't supposed to see any of this, shame that you have now. Won't mistake me for an innocent little girl anymore." I look down at Kalo who was currently licking the blood off of his lips, this man was so strange. "I will be seeing you later." I narrow my eyes at him, but all he does is lick more blood from his mouth. Turning away from him, I leave the throne room and my cowering relatives behind, I desperately needed a shower.

"Tendi, release a statement that I will not currently be accepting any requests for meetings, and all of the planned festivities will continue though I will not be there." I hum to myself, feeling rather light after unleashing all of my anger. "Oh, and do tell them that leaving their rooms now will not cause bodily harm or punishment." Entering my chambers and finding them completely empty was a relief and a small pleasure I hadn't been expecting, I had expected my guards to have made their way back here, though maybe they had learned not to get into my way right now. I couldn't have been out long if my relatives had needed to deal with the guests still. I glance out the window and see the two moons high in the sky, it was about the middle of the night, about the time the ball should have ended anyways, guests will probably go to bed and either leave in the morning once they heard what happened, stay for the festivities and leave, or stay until I was ready to meet them.

The Heir Of Drakkon: Book One Of The Drakkon Empire SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now