Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open the locket!" I snap out of my haze and scramble to do just that.

I pull the locket over my head and set it onto the bed spread before me, I take a deep breath. "My father, Aldrich Drakkon." The locket lights up and then pops open, releasing blue sparks, and allowing my father's form to take place.

"I thought I told you to never call me into the room while another person is in it again?" My father stares angrily at Damien.

"Relax, he figured it out on his own that your memories were in the A.I. locket, besides, I have a more important question, who killed you?" His brow furrows in confusion, turning from Damien to look at me.

"What do you mean? I already told you that I have no memory of who killed me." I slump down in defeat, that mean that there were no new uploads he was truly dead, but unlike me, Damien didn't so easily give up.

"Who would want you dead? Your own family? The other Houses?" My father turns back towards Damien, looking thoughtful.

"My family may be a lot of things, but we would never kill each other, injure or maim sure, that can be forgiven, but kill? No, never. I may say not to trust them but that is only because I know that they would run this Empire into the ground, none of them are made for ruling, they would only destroy everything I've worked so hard to build. As for the other houses, well only the High Houses pose any real threat, two of them wouldn't have the resources even if they wanted to, and House Trennix is too peaceful to start a war first, finish a war started by someone else, sure, but never start one, as for House Morgase, well Kalo and I have always had a rivalry. In fact, we despise each other, that piece of shit would kill anyone who got in his way." I shake my head, disbelieving, Kalo wasn't like that, I couldn't believe that.

"No, he's not like that. He's kind and funny, and charming, and handsome. He's not some violent sociopath." My father turns away from Damien and looks to me his eyes narrowed.

"Kind and funny? Charming? Handsome? He's a monster! Just like everyone in his family! They're all blood thirsty killers! My own daughter has feelings for that murder! You're dead to me!" My father's form falls apart into sparks and he disappears back into the locket, I just look at it in shock. What just happened.

"You know he is kind of right." My head snaps up to glare at Damien in an instant. "No, not about him being a murder or a killer, I'm not sure what that is about, I mean I'm sure he's killed people, but your father seemed oddly hateful towards him and his entire family about it. All I'm trying to say is that you don't know him. Hey, don't kill the one trustworthy person you know right now. He is over eighty-seven thousand years old and you don't think he's done anything to make him a bad person? Humans live for what a hundred years and can become bad people, what makes you think people who can live for thousands are any better?" I look down, away from him and his judging gaze. "Look, all I'm trying to say is that you don't know him, you've barely known him for what two months? How do you know what he is or isn't capable of." My shoulders slump in defeat, I wanted it so badly not to be him.

"I just, he seems so different than anyone I've ever met before. I'm not sure if I believe he could do anything like that, but I won't take him off of the suspect list and I am not saying anything unless we can find some proof." Damien raises his eyebrows at me, as if not believing I just said that.

"Proof? You want proof? This guy has had thousands of years to learn to cover his tracks and you expect to find proof?" I glare at him, not believing that he was just wanting me to blame Kalo when there was no proof.

The Heir Of Drakkon: Book One Of The Drakkon Empire SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now