Chapter 3

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"You mean Amelia?"

Bill asked very surprised. Leonardo just nodded.

"Her name is Amelia Johnson, she is 22 years old, her father is an alcoholic and her mother is dead. She's been to tha hospital twice for suicide attempt and has been working here for a month. That's all we have on her."

Bill said. Leonardo's mind was racing, was her father hitting her? He asked himself but he already knew the answer to that.

He got up and went in the main area of the bar once again, only to notice Amelia's absence. Both of the older men from before were gone too. The other three men soon noticed his anxious expression.

"We gave her our phone numbers if anything happens she will call us."

After her shift was over her father dragged her out of the bar and into his car.

She looked outside the window and saw the other man giving some money to her father. Her heart started racing. Her father got into the car a sick smile on his face.

He didn't say a word just started driving. After some time they reached their house. He got out and grabbed her arm, basically throwing her inside.

"My friend Jason who you have met, will come by later. Wear something nice, he paid good money for you."

He told her and left. Amelia was now beyond scared, but she had no other choice than to obey her father's orders.

She sat on her bed waiting and dreading the moment, the man from the bar will come. She heard the doorbell ring and her father talking.

Just then her bedroom door swung open and the man from before appeared. He had a smile on his face which made her stomach turn.

"We are going to have so much fun."

He said and started taking off his jacket. Amelia started panicking and tried to get up from her bed but it was too late he was already on top of her.

He kissed her violently while she struggled to free herself from his embrace. With his one hand he covered her mouth whereas the other was holding her arms in place.

Hot tears were now coming from her eyes as she tried kicking him but without any result.

"Shh sweetheart, I will take my hand off and you will keep quiet like the good little bitch you are."

He said and took his hand off. Amelia screamed and begged him to not touch her. He unbuttoned her shirt and pants, while she continued begging him to stop.

"Shut the fuck up."

He said and slapped her. She was now full on crying. He unbuttoned his pants and entered her while she screamed.

She couldn't do anything else but scream. This man had just taken away her innocence.

"Please not anymore, I beg you."

She managed to say in between her cries. He continued and she yelled for help but no one heard. Once he was finished he buttoned up and left. Like nothing had happened.

Amelia stayed there, shook about what had just happened. She stared at her body and felt disgusted. She started crying again.

"Please God just take me away too. Aren't I good enough for you to take? Just please take me away."

She begged and pulled her hair. She got up and went to her kitchen. She got a knife and went to the bathroom. She made deep cuts on her arms. Her vision blurry because of her tears.

She passed out and woke up the next day. It was noon and she needed to clean up and get to work.

She was a failure, she couldn't even take her life away, that's how much of a fail she felt. Her arms had dried blood on them and her eyes were red and puffy from her previous crying.

She got into the shower and washed everything off, rubbing her skin until it turned red. Trying to rub off the memories of last night.

It had been 2 hours, when she finally got out of the shower. She got dressed and went into the kitchen. Her dad was drinking again sitting on the couch.

"Jason will come back tomorrow. Apparently he enjoyed you. You better dress nice again you whore."

He said and pointed his finger to her face. She felt tears coming to her eyes again, threatening to spill.

"Father please don't do it."

She begged which seemed to anger him. He got up and landed a slap on her already beat up face.

"Learn your place. You're living under my roof, you do as I say. You're just like your whore of a mother."

He said and spat on her face. Her head dropped down and she left her house, making her way once again towards the bar. The only place she was truly safe.


Leonardo was in his office, doing some paperwork but his mind was elsewhere. The bartender was occupying his mind. She was just beautiful, long brown hair and hazel eyes. She was tall and lean which made her look like a model.

She looked so innocent. His mind couldn't comprehend how someone would want to harm a creature like her. She was like the red rose amongst a place filled with nettles.

He needed to see her again. He got up, took one of his expensive cars and drove to the bar. When he got in, his eyes immediately landed on her. She looked very fragile, the way she was moving around. It was as if she were just an energy flowing around, airy and beautiful.

He sat down to the same spot he sat yesterday and waited for her to notice him.

Her eyes finally landed on him and she felt her cheeks heating up. He was truly handsome. Once again his hair was made to perfection and he was wearing yet another one of his expensive suits.

"Here again?"

She asked but quickly felt way too rude.

"Excuse me I didn't mean to be rude."

She said and he chuckled.

"It's okay. What's your name?"

He asked which made her blush once again.

"I'm Amelia, what's yours?"

She asked now looking at her shoes to hide her blush.

"I'm Leonardo."

She finally looked up and they locked eyes.

"So aren't your friends with you today?"

She asked.

"No they had some work to do."

He said a little disappointed she asked about them.

"Well what can I get you?"

She asked with a little smile.

"Te stesso, legato al mio letto. (Yourself, tied to my bed.)"

He said looking deep into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't speak Italian."

She said smiling brightly. Her smile made him smile as well which was very rare.

"A whiskey neat."

He said. After sometime she was back with his drink. They didn't speak for the rest of the night just made eye contact.

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