Chapter 9

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"Well it's very nice to meet you."

Amelia said and offered her a forced smile.

"Oh please Amanda you wish you were his girlfriend."

Lorenzo said and rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up Lorenzo you know nothing."

She answered angrily which didn't sit well with Amelia. Lorenzo had showed her immense kindness so she felt like she needed to support him.

"It's not very polite to talk to him like that, especially considering that you are in his house."

Amelia said which caused Lorenzo's eyes to widen. He didn't expect Amelia to back him up. His expression was soon replaced with a proud smile. Upon seeing that Amelia's smile grew even wider.

"Who do you think you are, you whore talking to me like that?"

Amanda spat which took Amelia back. She hated that word, it's the word her supposed father would call her and it still hurt her.

Amelia heard a click and Lorenzo had a gun pointed at Amanda.

"Say that one more time bitch, I fucking dare you."

Lorenzo's tone was threatening. Amelia should have been scared by his action but she wasn't. She knew that these people were dangerous, she didn't know exactly to what extent but she was a little happy knowing Lorenzo would defend her even by this manner.

"È abbastanza Lorenzo. Metti giù la pistola. Potresti essere mio fratello, ma io sono ancora il tuo capo. (That's enough Lorenzo. Put the gun down. You might be my brother, but I'm still your boss.) "

Leonardo appeared. Amelia didn't understand what he said but it sounded like an order. Lorenzo rolled his eyes and put his gun back inside.

"Come on Mel, we can eat breakfast out."

Amelia just nodded and followed Lorenzo out of the kitchen. Amanda was smirking and Leonardo's expression was unreadable.

They got into Lorenzo's car and drove to a diner close by. He got out and opened the door for her. Once they got inside they were greeted by a very kind waitress who showed them to their table.

"Are you okay Mel?"

Lorenzo asked sounding concerned.

"Of course I am, Ren. I was attracted to him for sure but since he has a girlfriend it just won't happen. I haven't had a boyfriend since I was born, I can survive without one."

She said and smiled again.

"First of all you are the first person to call me Ren, I like it. Secondly, Leonardo really seemed to like you. Hell he called you angel in italian all the time. It's only logical if you are at least a little pissed off."

"Look Amanda was beautiful and maybe she's not who she seems, he made his choice. If he wants to be with her he can, it's not like we were in a relationship, we just had some moments."

"You're always smiling and you always seem so caring and gentle, even when you are hurt. You can talk to me any time."

Lorenzo said and grabbed her hand. That meant a lot to Amelia, having yet another person show her that they care. These three boys, Alessio, Eduardo and Lorenzo seemed to already care for her even if they knew her for such a short time.

"Thank you Ren it means a lot to me."

She said and squeezed his hand back. Just then a waitress appeared. Her shirt buttons were undone and she looked Lorenzo with lustful eyes.

"What can I get you handsome?"

She asked batting her eyelashes, Amelia frowned a little upon being ignored but quickly recovered from it.

"Sorry sweetheart I swing for the other team."

Lorenzo said. Amelia was evidently shocked, since she didn't know that until now and the waitress let out a sigh.

"Why are all the hot ones always gay?"

She murmured but Amelia heard causing her to laugh.

"I will have the waffles and you Mel?"

"The same, thank you."

The waitress wrote down their orders and disappeared back to the counter she was before.

"So I didn't know you were gay."

Amelia said and Lorenzo chuckled.

"Yeah I don't give out the vibe."

It was Amelia's turn now to giggle.

"You and Alessio would make a cute couple."

She said which caused Lorenzo to spit the water he was drinking.

"I'm sorry Lorenzo I didn't mean to upset you."

She said giving him an apologetic look.

"Mel calm down, you didn't upset me."

Before she could answer the waitress came back with their food. They ate in silence until Lorenzo's phone rang.

"Yes, Eduardo."

He said and put it on speaker phone.

"Where are you, little bitch?"

Eduardo said which caused Lorenzo to roll his eyes and Amelia to laugh at their silliness.

"Are you with Mel-Bear?"

Eduardo basically screamed.


Amelia said.

"I'm coming right now."

"You don't know where we are. How the fuck are you going to get here?"

Lorenzo asked making Eduardo laugh from the other line.

"Silly goose, I will track your phone. Now bye bye be there in 10."

He said and hang up. Amelia was now full on laughing whereas Lorenzo was rubbing his temples.

True to his word Eduardo got there with Alessio ten minutes later.

"Hello sisters. Eduardo kidnapped me from my house and brought me here."

Alessio said and glared at Eduardo who just raised his hands in surrender.

"So spill the beans. What happened? Lorenzo has his I was mad a few minutes ago expression and Mel seems lost in thought."

Eduardo said gesturing to the two, with an eyebrow raised.

"It's nothing, I had an interesting encounter with Leonardo's girlfriend today."

Amelia said, which caused both men to raise their eyebrows.


Lorenzo completed. Both of them shook their heads finally understanding the person Amelia was talking about.

"Are you okay Mel?"

Alessio asked rubbing her back.

"Guys stop asking, yes I am okay. I just wasn't aware he was in a relationship which is weird because he seemed fond of me."

She said shrugging her shoulders.

"If our theory of Leo already liking you is corrent, you need to know that he doesn't deal well with feelings. That's probably why he is bedding Amanda again."

Amelia just nodded at Lorenzo's remark and continued sipping on her water. Did Leo really like her?

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