Chapter 13

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The rest of the day yesterday was pretty uneventful but today was the ball. Amelia woke up late and a gift box was on her nightstand. She undid the bow and saw a silver dress. It looked rather expensive but it gave her a sense of confidence.

She started getting ready. Her make up was contrary to her bright dress. Her lips were dark red and she looked like a femme fatale. She heard a knock on her door, Lorenzo and Alessio were waiting for her.

"Wow Mel...You look..."

Lorenzo started.

"Fucking beautiful."

Alessio completed. She blushed and thanked them.

"We are your dates tonight since Eduardo will be Elisa's."

Amelia gave them a wink which took them by surprise but they went along with her attitude. They had rented a limo which made them look even classier.

The two men got out and held their hands for Amelia, who had a smirk on her face. She entered the ball room with Alessio on her right and Lorenzo on her left. She looked like a priced possession of theirs. All eyes were on them, gasps and whispers were heard about the mysterious lady.

Guys were looking at her with lustful eyes, whereas all the woman seemed jealous. Her eyes finally met the green ones she was looking for. Leonardo's eyes travelled through her entire body and she blushed.

"Why is everybody looking at us?"

Amelia whispered in Lorenzo's ear.

"They are looking at you Mel."

He whispered back. They walked towards the rest of the family.

"Amelia you look gorgeous."

Katerina said and hugged her.

"Draga dumnezeu, arata la fel ca ea. (Dear God, she looks just like her.)"

She heard an elderly woman say. Amelia's eyes travelled to the old lady, she and her husband were staring at Amelia intensely. When the woman and her husband noticed Amelia's stare they walked towards her.

"Good evening, Katerina and Valerio. Who is this beautiful young woman?"

The man asked.

"I am Amelia nice to meet you."

She said smiling.

"Suna chiar ca ea, ciupește-mă că trebuie să visez. (She even sounds like her, pinch me I must be dreaming.) "

The woman told her husband.

"Sună exact ca cine? (Sound exactly like who? "

Amelia asked generally confused.

"Vorbești română? (You speak Romanian) "

"Sunt de fapt român, din partea mamei mele. (I actually am Romanian, from my mother's side.) "

"What is your mother's name?"

The woman asked confused. Just as Amelia was about to answer she felt a hand tap her shoulder.

"Amelia can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?"

Leonardo asked and she nodded.

"Excuse me for a moment."

She apologized to the elderly couple. Leonardo led her to the bathroom but before she could ask what he wanted, he crushed his lips on hers. His hands grabbed her waist to pull her closer and she wrapped her hands around his neck. They pulled away to breathe and their foreheads were now touching.

"Leo you shouldn't have done that."

She said keeping her eyes closed, not wanting to look into his eyes.

"Why is that Amelia?"

"You are in a relationship and you can't lead me on as if I am some toy."

"Amanda means nothing to me, we are just fuck bodies nothing more."

Amelia finally opened her eyes and looked into his.

"Oh Amelia finally I found you... Woah what the fuck are you doing with him?"

Lorenzo asked, his voice filled with venom. Leonardo just rolled his eyes at him and kissed Amelia's hand.

"We will talk later."

He said and left Amelia alone with an angry Lorenzo.

"Mel-Mel what the fuck?"

"He...He kissed me."

She said blushing and touching her lips.

"We will talk about this when you are not on cloud 9. Now come let me introduce you to some people."

They went back into the ball room that had even more people than before.

"Mel-Bear this is Ricardo Garcia, a good friend of ours. Ricardo this is Amelia Johnson."

After a lot of introductions Amelia was pretty tired, so she went to sit down. The elderly woman from before approached her again.

"We never finished our conversation dear."

"Oh hello again."

Amelia said and gave the woman a sweet smile.

"So how do you know the Ferraris?"

The elderly woman asked.

"Let's just say they got me out of an immensely bad situation."

"Well be careful dear, they are dangerous."

"Aren't all people in here?"

"I guess that is true."

"So tell me Amelia about your mother."

"Oh she was an incredible woman. She taught me how to paint and sang to me every night. She even passed on her love for flowers to me."

"You talk in past tense as if she isn't alive anymore."

"That's because she isn't."

Amelia's expression now held sadness and nostalgia for the past moments with her mother. The woman seemed a little surprised.

"You never told me her name."

"Oh yeah her name was Andrea Johnson."

"How about her maiden name?"

"I don't remember well, she never really talked about her family something like Cercei, something like that."

The woman seemed extremely surprised by what she had just heard which raised suspicion.

"Why are you asking so many questions about my mom?"

"Was her maiden name perhaps Cercel?"

"Uhm yeah that's it."

"Well Amelia dear my name is Diana Cercel and I believe your mother was my daughter."

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