Chapter 8

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"Alessio I want to go back home."

Amelia complained. Alessio had convinced her and Eduardo to come to one of the clubs run by them.

"Mel-Mel you need to loosen up. You're 22 and never been to a club, it's time to fly little birdie."

Alessio said and moved his hands trying to look like he's flying.

"Eduardo help me."

She pleaded him with her eyes and he just chuckled.

"Sorry Mel but I agree with Alessio."

He said and shrugged. Amelia just rolled her eyes. After some time, Alessio was on the dance floor grinding on some dude and Eduardo had gone out to talk to someone. A very cute guy approached Amelia with a smile on his face.

"Am I in heaven or is that an angel I see?"

He said and Amelia laughed at his foolishness.

"What's your name pretty lady? I am Dan."

He said and kissed her hand.

"I'm Amelia nice to meet you."

"So what is a pretty girl like you doing here alone?"

"I'm actually not alone. My one friend is on the dancefloor and the other one is taking a phone call."

"Want to go somewhere the two of us?"

He asked giving her a smirk and reaching to grab her hand.

"Uhm actually, I don't want to leave my friends."

She said as she rubbed her arm uncomfortably.

"Well your friends aren't here."

He said and reached for her arm again.

"Mel-Mel who is this gentleman?"

Alessio asked raising an eyebrow. Eduardo had also come and had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Uhm this is Dan."

She said looking at the floor.

"Oh Danny boy, you know it's not polite to pressure a lady into coming with you."

Said Eduardo taking a step forward.

"Why do you care? You aren't her boyfriend."

He said and rolled his eyes.

"How about you think again?"

A husky voice was heard and Amelia turned around and faced an enraged Leonardo. Alessio and Eduardo just smirked and Amelia blushed a bit.

"Fuck off dude."

Dan said and tried to walk away but Alessio pushed him back down.

"Al and Ed take Amelia home we will talk later, right now me and this gentleman need to have a conversation."

Said Leonardo. By his tone the boys understood not to go against his orders and took Amelia and left. When they got home they went into the living room. Alessio was rubbing his forehead trying to calm down, whereas Eduardo just kept murmuring to himself.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to cause trouble."

She said looking at the floor. She felt guilty that it was her fault that the guys were now angry.

"Sweet pea it's not your fault."

Eduardo said while Alessio kept silent.

"We should have chopped his filthy arms off. Mel-Mel I'm sorry I didn't get there earlier."

Alessio said and gave her an apologetic look.

"It's fine guys, nothing extreme happened anyways. Just a very rude and aggressive dude. Maybe he was drunk, I'm certain he isn't that bad sober."

She said smiling. Alessio and Eduardo smiled at her words. She saw the good in people, even if they didn't deserve it. They heard the door close and Leonardo came into the living room.

"What the fuck were you thinking taking her to a club?"

He asked and he sounded very angry. However, what he said didn't sit well with Amelia. He blamed Eduardo and Alessio for taking her to the club as if she doesn't have an opinion of her own. Furthermore, she was an adult she could go to a club if she wanted.

"They didn't force me to go. I wanted to."

She whispered but everybody heard. He punched the wall next to him and left still looking very angry.

"Come on Mel we'll show you to one of the guest rooms."

Eduardo said and showed her indeed to one of the guest rooms.

"Hey guys?"

She said before they left. They turned around and gave her questioning looks.

"Thank you for tonight. I've never really had friends and going out with you tonight meant a lot to me."

She said and gave a sweet smile. They both now had huge smiles plastered on their faces.

"Well sweet pea we had a great time too, it's nice to have you around. Goodnight dream about my hotness."

Alessio said and Eduardo rolled his eyes at his last sentence. Amelia chuckled and soon after her head hit the pillow she had fallen asleep.

The next morning she woke up and immediately went to the kitchen desperately needing a cup of water. She went into the kitchen and jumped when she saw Lorenzo sipping his coffee.

"Good morning Lorenzo."

She said happily.

"Good morning sunshine, come we need to talk."

She sat next to him at the table as he served her a cup of coffee as well.

"I heard about what happened yesterday, it's not under any circumstances your fault. Leonardo just overreacted, he was probably jealous. Just be patient with him, I know he likes you and you do too so don't judge him too harshly."

Amelia thought for a minute about his words. Maybe he liked her but she couldn't know. Did she herself like him? She was for sure attracted to him but she was afraid. If he punched a wall because he was angry what would he do to her? She bit her lip, since she was now in a dilemma. Should she try anything with him or just act like she isn't attracted to him?

"You're right."

She said and smiled. Lorenzo did a little victory dance and Amelia laughed.

"I will talk to him today and tell him that I am attracted to him."

She said feeling proud that her confidence is growing. These people really did affect her in a good way, these past few days.

"Who is this?"

She heard a very girly voice and turned her head to see a blonde girl on the doorway. She was beautiful, she had bright blue eyes, long legs and amazing curves. Amelia's eyes landed on her clothing, or more specifically Leonardo's shirt. She frowned and turned back at Lorenzo.

He looked extremely angry and his hands were gripping the coffee mug so hard that Amelia thought it would break.

"I'm gonna kill him."

Lorenzo said mostly to himself but Amelia heard and touched his hand trying to calm him down. Her eyes were a bit watery but she wouldn't cry in front of the beautiful blonde.

"Ahem I asked who are you?"

The blonde said again playing with her hair.

"I am Amelia, nice to meet you. Who are you?"

She asked kindly even though the other woman's tone was much bitchier.

"Oh I'm Leo's girlfriend."

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