Chapter 11

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Everybody sat at the long table, making smalltalk until dinner was served. Amelia really admired Katerina's and Valerio's relationship, they seemed to be so in love even after all those years of marriage.

"How did you meet?"

Amelia asked, meaning the middle-aged couple. Amara, Javier and Eduardo's dads started laughing and Valerio shot them a glare.

"Oh we've heard the story a thousand times."

Amanda said and rolled her eyes. Amelia felt a little uncomfortable by her sudden rudeness.

"Uhm I would love to hear their story, I haven't heard it."

Amelia answered. Her comeback caused all of the couples to give her a big genuine smile.

"Why do you even care? Leo rejected you, you're never going to find someone."

Amelia looked at the floor after what Amanda said. She knew that she was right, but it was still sad to hear it. Lorenzo let an inhuman growl and Alessio slapped his hand on the table. Eduardo was giving her a death glare and their parents just stared in awe at the disrespectful girl.

Amelia raised her head and saw a knife flying to Amanda's direction. The knife got her arm and she let out a scream. All the boys except Leonardo had a proud smile on their faces. Katerina who threw the knife smirked.

"Mom what the fuck?"

Leonardo yelled at his mother.

"Keep your bitch on a leash."

Katerina spat back and Amelia gasped. Amanda was now crying and Leonardo had gotten up.

"She just stated her opinion, just because you like that whore doesn't mean you can treat my girlfriend like trash."

Leonardo said. His words hurt Amelia a lot and her eyes were now watery. She got up and run to the room she was given. She locked the door and cried. Leonardo said he wouldn't hurt her, it was wrong of her to assume that he was attracted to her. She cried and cried until her eyes were dry of tears.

In the meantime there was chaos at the dinner table. Amanda kept crying because of her wound and everyone was furious with Leonardo.

"Watch your tongue young man."

His father ordered him.

"You know what Leo? Fuck you and your stupid hoe. You acted as if you cared for Amelia, but I guess you really are a cold-hearted piece of shit."

Alessio said and threw his glass off the table.


His mother said.

"No mom, she has only been kind to all of us."

"She would be dead if it weren't for us the least she can do is respect Amanda. Maybe we should have left her with her father. Oh wait she killed him."

Leonardo spat, his voice was filled with venom. Lorenzo got up and punched his brother, making his way outside afterwards along with Alessio.

"You just lost not only an amazing girl, but also your brother and best friends."

Eduardo whispered in his ear before he followed the other two outside. Leonardo pulled the knife from Amanda's arm and gave her a handkerchief.

"I'm going to go check up on the poor girl. Amara and Javier can you tell the maid to clean the table? Fiorenzo and Mariano please go check on the boys. Valerio deal with that son of yours and his prostitute."

Katerina said and left the two to go check on Amelia. She knocked on her door but heard nothing, she knocked again but still silence. She knocked the door down only to see Amelia having a knife in her hand looking at her wrists. She run to her and grabbed the knife. Amelia just started crying and Katerina hugged her.

"Shh my dear, it's all going to be alright, how about you tell me what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

Katerina said rubbing circles on Amelia's back.

"I'm messed up. I am damaged goods."

She said crying again.

"What has happened to you Солнечный свет(sunshine) ?"

"My mother was raped and killed, my father sold her to some of his friends. She was incredible she taught me how to draw, she loved immensely. My father was an asshole, I was his personal punching bag. Then I met the boys, one day they gave me their phone numbers and told me that if I ever needed them, I could call them. The day after my father's friend he... he took away my innocence. I had a knife on my nightstand I killed them both."

She said breaking down again. She had shared her life story with a woman she knew very little about, but she felt like she could trust her.

"Sweetie do you know what the boys do for a living?"

"I know it's something dangerous but I don't what exactly."

"Well honey, they are in the Italian mafia, more specifically the highest members. Leonardo is the Don."

Amelia just nodded, maybe it was immature of her not to care but she didn't. These people seemed to be genuine about their intentions.

"Do you still want to know how me and Val fell in love?"

Again Amelia just nodded and the woman didn't let her go from the hug.

"I was an assassin and one day I wanted to kill the boss of The Bratva, the Russian mafia. He was in a meeting with Val and I just barged in, I of course killed him, but I left quite an impression on Val. He was the boss of La Cosa Nostra then, so we met again in various occasions. We lived our happy life, until I was kidnapped by the Russians to marry their son's leader. I made a plan to escape and I did. I killed every one of them and brought the heart of the leader to Valerio. The rest is way too romantic for my taste, so we will skip it. Then I had my three babies and lived peacefully."

By the time Katerina was finished Amelia was shocked and impressed with the woman next to her. She was an assassin and as she realised she still was dangerous.

"Leonardo and I would never work."

She murmured but Katerina heard and sighed.

"Leo is stubborn like me and has the whole heartless facade like his father did. He has been a huge asshole but if you want to be with him you need to woman up girl."

"What do you mean?"

"In two days it's the ball, you don't need him but make him a little jealous. Also if you want I can teach you self defense and knives."

She said and Amelia smiled. She really wanted to know how to defend herself and the idea of making Leonardo jealous was very intriguing.

"Mulțumesc foarte mult. Sunt foarte recunoscător, sper doar că nu sunt o povară. (Thank you so much. I am really grateful, I just hope I'm not a burden.) "

"Nonsense sweetheart you're family now."

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