Chapter 10

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It had been three weeks since Amelia's interesting encounter with Amanda. Amanda was now there all the time, whereas she didn't see much of Leonardo.

She had once run into them, having sex in the kitchen but she closed her eyes and run out. Her and the other three boys have gotten significantly close and now had a rather admirable bond. Elisa had moved to Italy with her parents some time ago, so she was the only girl besides Amanda in the house.

"Meli you need to pack."

Lorenzo said using her newly found nickname. The boys had found out that meli in Greek meant honey, so they thought it fit perfectly.

"Oh Ren I'm not sure if I should come. Firstly, I don't want to be burden to you or to you parents and secondly I don't think Leonardo will want me there."

Amelia said. Her and Lorenzo were on her bed staring at the ceiling. They would leave for Italy soon, it was their parents big gala in two days time.

"Meli, don't be stupid. My mom invited you herself also you will be with me and the boys the whole time."

Lorenzo said turning around and facing her, giving her the puppy eyes. She sighed and accepted.

"I am a weak woman."

She said playfully.

"Nah you just adore me too much."

Lorenzo said and threw her a pillow.

After she packed her bags, Lorenzo loaded them in a black SUV. Him, Amelia, Eduardo and Alessio would fly together with Alessio's parents, whereas Eduardo's parents, Leonardo and Amanda would fly with another jet.

Once they reached the airport, a middle aged couple was waiting for them, who she assumed were Alessio's parents.

"My little munchkins how I've missed you."

The woman said and pinched all of their cheeks, then her eyes landed on Amelia and a huge smile appeared on her face.

"And you must be Amelia. Dear you are so beautiful. I am Amara and this is my husband Javier."

The couple shook hands with Amelia and she gave them a tight smile. They loaded the plane and Amara sat next to Amelia.

"So my precious girl, I've heard so much about you but I want you to tell me about yourself."

The woman said. The men sat on the couches of the private jet whereas the women were seated at a more private area.

"I am half Romanian, I love flowers and to paint."

"Oh that's wonderful. How do you know my boys?"

"I was working at one of their bars as a bartender. I was going through a difficult situation at home and they basically saved me."

Tears threatened to spill from Amelia's eyes remembering the horrific things she had been through.

"Oh dear I'm sorry. On a more happy note Katerina told me Leo has a little crush on you."

Amara teased, unaware of the current situation between the two.

"Leonardo and I had some moments but that's it. He has a girlfriend and she's very beautiful but a little rude."

Amara's expression suddenly changed and morphed into anger.

"Please tell me you aren't talking about Amanda."

"Oh yeah that's her name."

Amara scoffed and crossed her hands over her chest.

"Javier! Get your ass over here."

Amara said calling for her husband, Amelia was now very confused.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Give me your phone please."

The man complied and went back to his seat. He had a look of acknowledgement of what his wife was about to do.

"Hybrid did you know your son was bringing blonde bimbo with him?"

Amara asked the person on the other line of the phone.

"No. Yes. She's with me now. Wait."

Amara said and passed the phone to Amelia.


Amelia said, it sounded more like a question since she didn't know who she was talking to.

"Amelia sweetie it's me Katerina. How are you?"

"I'm doing well Mrs Ferrari, how about you?"

"Oh stop with the formalities, I sound old. I am also doing well thanks for asking. I just wanted to thank you for coming, all of the boys even Elisa seem very fond of you and I didn't want to miss the chance of meeting you."

"Thank you Mrs Ferrari... I meant Katerina."

"Mom the plane is about to take off hang up, you will both speak to aunt Katerina later."

Alessio said popping his head into the private area. Amelia hanged up the phone and the plane took off. After a while sleep took over her and the next time she opened her eyes they were already landing.

"So my mom can be a handful especially when uncle Fiorenzo and aunt Amara are there but I think you will like her."

Lorenzo said looking at her and then going back to driving. They all split up into groups of two and she went with Lorenzo.

"Your aunt is very nice and I think your mom will be too."

Lorenzo smiled at her and suddenly a question raised in Amelia's head. A question she should have asked a long time ago.

"Ren, what exactly do you do for a living?"

Lorenzo evidently tensed up and grabbed the steering wheel harder.

"Let's talk about that tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah sure."

Amelia said not wanting to pressure him since he didn't want to talk about it. After some time they pulled up to a beautiful house. Amelia gasped and Lorenzo laughed a little.

They were the last ones to get there, so everybody was already there. They went to the garden where everyone was and Amelia smiled once she saw all the flowers. A middle-aged couple came into view. They were both gorgeous for their age and Lorenzo looked exactly like the woman.

"Enzo, Amelia!"

The woman exclaimed she was most likely Lorenzo's mom. She hugged her son tightly and then gave a bone-brushing hug to Amelia as well.

"Hello I am Valerio."

The man said and extended his hand and Amelia shook it.

"Nice to meet you sir."

She smiled and he gave her a little nod. Then Katerina turned around and faced the other people.

"Alright people, time for dinner."

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