Bonus Chapter 2

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Amelia was sitting at the living room of their new home her feet resting on the coffee table in front of her.

"Leo baby, I am hungry."

She screamed and Leonardo appeared instantly with pickles in his hand. She clapped her hands and blew him a kiss.

"Uhm, Lia baby did you pee yourself again? If so I can go get a towel."

He said and stroked her hair. Amelia looked at him weirdly and rolled her eyes.

"No Leonardo I didn't."

She said angrily and Leonardo just pointed at the pool of liquid underneath her.

"Leo baby I didn't pee myself I think my water broke."

She said and Leonardo immediately got up and started panicking. He picked up her bag and helped her get into her car.

He drove like a mad man until they reached the mob's hospital that was filled with only trustworthy doctors. He helped her out and she started screaming.

"It hurts, it hurts so much."

She cried out and Leonardo picked her up and carried her inside. The doctor showed them to a room and Amelia was now screaming like mad.

"The baby is coming."

The doctor said and Amelia screamed again.

"It's your fucking fault Leo, just because you couldn't keep that dick of yours in your pants. "

She yelled out and Leonardo just agreed with everything she was saying.


The doctor said.

"I will chop your dick off when I'm done with this."

She said before she pushed. Leonardo gulped at his wife's words and held her hand. She was holding him so tight that his hand had turned white.

"Push, again."

Amelia was screaming but she still pushed, again and again. Sweat was covering her whole body and she was trying to calm her breathing.

When the couple heard the cry of their son being born, all of the pain Amelia had endured was just something pointless of the past.

She looked at Leonardo to see him crying with his eyes closed just hearing his son's crying.

"We will clean him up and then you can hold him."

A nurse said and smiled at them. Leonardo and Amelia held hands once again and he opened his eyes looking at the love of his life, who just gave him a child. Something that was part of him and part of her as well.

The nurse came back and handed Amelia her son. She rocked him back and forth, when he opened his eyes, she saw Leonardo's familiar colour with her eye shape.

"Wow, you look exactly like daddy."

She said and kissed his forehead. She looked back at Leonardo who was watching them, a hand over his heart.

"Leo, hold him."

She demanded and Leonardo gave her the sweetest smile she had ever seen. Leonardo held his son so delicately as if he was afraid he was going to break, or be taken away from him.

"I'll tell you this from the beginning baby boy, your mom is the most amazing woman out there and you will respect her more than anyone. She has given me the world and I know that she will give you the whole galaxy, so you need to appreciate your mom."

Leonardo said and pointed his finger at his son. Amelia's heart melted with his words and she sent him a kiss.

The door opened up and all of the family was there.


She heard Alessio yell and a bunch of footsteps. Katerina was the first to enter and her hand convered her mouth when she saw her son and grandson.

Leonardo gave her and his father their grandson and they were both crying tears of joy. Once they congratulated the couple they left so they wouldn't over crowd in the small hospital room. Elisa also held him for a while but she left soon after that.

Now only Lorenzo, Alessio, Eduardo, Leonardo and Amelia were left in the room. Each and every one of them held the baby and Eduardo even cried a bit.

"So have you thought of any names?"

Alessio asked as he rocked the baby back and forth.

"We haven't actually."

Amelia answered and Leonardo nodded.

"How about you name him Lorenzo? It's such a sexy name."

Lorenzo said and winked but they just rolled their eyes.

"I want him to have a slavic name and an Italian one, like us."

Leonardo said and Amelia gave him a smile.

"How about Roman? It's Lorenzo's middle name and I happen to quite like it."

Amelia said and Lorenzo did a victory dance.

"How about Roman Valerio Ferrari?"

Leonardo asked and Amelia smiled brightly.

"It's absolutely perfect."

She said and kissed him. That was her happy ending, she didn't get a prince charming, but a mafia king. He had saved her and given her all she ever  wanted.

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