Chapter eight

91 1 4

Lloyd POV

We have been training all night and we're all exhausted... well all except Leonardo
*who says that we can call him Leo* and Jay. Jay looks like he just drank 300 large cups of coffee so...

I guess we're not stopping.

"We have been at this all night Master Wu, can we PLEASE take a brake?" Cole begs. "Yes." Master Wu answers and our faces lit up. "YES!" We all yell except for Leo and. We all dash out before Wu changes his mind, except for Leo "Leon you coming?" Jay says. "No thanks I'm gonna stay here and meditate." He answers. "You like doing that?" Jay responds "Yeah, I find it calming... it's peaceful." Leo says "okay! Well have fun!" Jay says as he speeds away. We all collapse onto our beds and proceed to go to sleep for the next 16 hours (except for Jay of course)

15 hours later


"JAY ARE YOU ALL-...right?" I say as me and the rest of the ninja run towards the dojo. The reason I stoped talking is the site of Leo floating in mid-air as the wind blows, FROM INSIDE!!! With tornadoes in almost every direction! And I think he's still meditating because it looks like he's asleep.


Leo's POV

"Okay! Have fun!" Jay yelled as he ran of. 'Wait a second did he just call me Leon?' After shaking it of I get into a sitting position and soon enough I cannot feel the mat that I'm sitting on, I have entered a meditative state. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in a mesmerizing and peaceful looking place with a sky that looks like a nebula that pollution couldn't reach for thousands of light-years. And right in the middle I was sitting under a beautiful large Cherry blossom tree. I put my hand on the tree and I'm changed back into a  mutant turtle. I sit back down where I was when I arrived here and began to think...think about all that has been happening ' There's so much that I just don't understand. But I have all ready made my choice I'm gonna help. From what I herd innocent lives are at stake. I cannot just stand by and let them die. I NEED to help and I will help them no matter the cost.' I feel a small wave of wind steadily touching my face as the tails of my mask sway from it *sigh* I smile and let the wind lap against my face as I close my eyes slowly in peace.

And Now Back To Reality (^∇^)

Jay's POV

"WHAT?!??" We all scream as we see Leo surrounded by tornadoes and also the wind blow from inside. The curly haired boy's eyes snapped open and he falls to the ground hard. And I swear he did that cartoon thing when the character floats in mid-air for a bit and THEN falls.

THUMP! "Uggggghhhh," Leo moans as he sat on the floor rubbing the back of his head where he fell "wha-what happened?" Leo said "YOU! My good sir just won the lottery!" Cole says pointing at Leo


"You used your elemental powers." Kai explained "oh! Ok...........wait..........REALLY!?" Leo says as he realized what Kai just said. "Yes we saw it with our own eyes. Congratulations!" Zane answers. "yes Yes YES!!" Leo yells. "Wait a minute I thought that that we got our powers from people we're related to. So does that mean that you two are related Moro?" Lloyd asked "OH HECK NO!" I screech "who is-" Leo asked "tell you later." Nya replied. "So... which element am I?" Leon asked "Air" Nya answers "cool." Leo says as he looks at his hands grinning like "ok Leo it's time to get to training those new elemental powers." Nya says and we all (not including Leo) grown even though we know she's right "Okay let's get to it." Kai says annoyed 'it's gonna be a long night.'

Oof. Hello every one I really don't have much too say here except for thanks for reading. (I literally just noticed how many times I said "except" in this chap)
I'd love to chat more but I gotta go

Liv signing off

(Lol so cheesy)

Word count: 722

"We strike hard and then fade into the night" TMNT x ninjago fanficWhere stories live. Discover now