Note and short chapter to hold you over

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A/N  Hey everyone I'm slightly delaying my next real chap so I can edit a different one. I won't edit a lot though, so look out for that edit, it will be in chapter 11 pt.3

Now, the short chap (ps ur gonna think that this is a depression story after this, but it's not. Just kinda sad so get ready...)

*Warning! A bit of stronk language, (not much tho) so, if u don't like dat then don't read.*

(Some music that I like for u to listen to as u read   )

(Chose from the choices of...)

(Or listen to all of them I won't stop u...)

Raph's POV

It has been so hard lately, to hard for the three of us to bare. Nothing is okay since he left. And it's all my fault. I can't believe I said all those horrid things I said to him. I don't really hate him, it just slipped out. We haven't been looking for him lately, we should have but we haven't. I have even seen Mikey and Don for a few days now. I feel horrible that I haven't been there for them when they need someone there. I hate myself for this, I hate that I let this happen, I hate that Leo left because of me, I hate that we have fallen apart from each other, I hate that soon enough splinter will have to come home to us while We're in such a broken state of mind, and it's all because of me.

(A/N In this universe splinter was away in Japan for all of this time so that's why he hasn't been here at all, but he will come back soon)

*Knock Knock*

After hearing the quiet but still audible sound coming from my door I hesitate at first but then I drag myself out of bed and slowly walk over to the door. Once I open the door I see Don, he looks really tired but at the same time he looks like he has his hopes up. But... what could he possibly be so happy about...?

"Hey Don... what 'cha need?" (A/N I'm not trying to make fun of anybody who has a New York accent! Plz don't think that I am, sorry 4 Interrupting... plz continue)

"Raph you're not gonna believe this but, I might of found Leo!" Don whispered since it's the middle of the night and Mikey is sleeping "W-what?! You're serious?!" I whisper yelled "Yeah, Leo's phone tracker has been offline ever since he left but I can still pinpoint the phone since I made our phone's battery out of mutagenic silicon and..." I tune my brother out cuz I don't feel like letting my last two brain cells rot away while he talks


"Oh god! spare me the explanation and just get to the point Don!" I say a little to loud "Sorry..." Don said slightly looking down with a disheartened look on his face. I'd never seen him apologize for saying something smart.... ever, he has changed just as much as me and Mikey have. Another thing that I blame myself for.

"Guys...?" I hear someone say "What are you talking about?" The one who talked was Mikey, I must have woken him up when I shouted.

"O-oh Mikey, uh- did we wake you? Sorry..." Don says to him "Yeah, but it's fine..." he says "Mike w-we aren't completely sure but- we may have found Leo." Mikey's face lights up but soon goes back to a somewhat gloomy expression "So what are we gonna tell him?" Mikey replied "Who?" I ask him "Sensei, he's coming home tonight." ... I completely forgot that he was coming tonight... "fuc-" "*le gasp*" Donnie dramatically gasped as he covered Mikey's ears

(A/N do you know that meme? Probably, anyway...)

"So... what do we say?" Don said "Nothing..." I say "What?" Mike asked looking up at me "Once we find Leo we won't say anything." I say sternly "B-but, we can't keep this from sensei!" Mikey says "Then what do we tell him?" I say not actually asking, the lair is quiet again "Yeah that's what I thought... now listen, after we find Leo then we won't ever speak of this again.." I say coldly

To be continued....

HOI! Haven't talked in a wile, how goes it? Did you like the chapter? (It was so much longer then I expected...) Well I hope ur satisfied with that 'till I update again. Be sure to look out for that edit!

Gtg guys!

See you later!

Liv signing off!

Word count: 774

"We strike hard and then fade into the night" TMNT x ninjago fanficWhere stories live. Discover now