Chapter 11 pt.3

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A/N I didn't get 5 Oc's so we r just gonna work with two. Anyway thanks to chopsticklights  for submitting a Oc

And with no further ado...

enjoy the chapter!

Kai's POV

We have been fighting for hours now and believe me when I say, it's not going well for us at all.


"Same to you." Nya says as we wave to Lloyd and start the flight to the city of Ninjago.

I can't help but feel that the closer we get to the city, the more unfocused I become. But it's probably nothing.

"Ok, here we are." I say as we land in to a area filled with complete chaos. All of the citizens are super freaked out and they're scattered everywhere. But I can't blame the for being scared, there's a giant crack in the middle of the ground with weird shadow figure-things coming out of it! I mean what would YOU do?! Run around and scream, right?!?! "Whoah what the-" Cole started but stoped when we were noticed by the shadow- uh- monster- things? Uhhhhh- whatever... "Well so much for unexpected entrance." Nya said only half jokingly "Let's 'ROCK' this 'MUDDY' party!" Cole yells as he puts Emphasis on 'rock' and 'muddy' and we both look at him with a 'stop' look on our faces "Cole...don't........just...don't. Okay?" I say with the same face as Nya has plastered on her face "Uh- Forget I said anything! Let's just- AHH!" Cole tried to say but was stopped by one of the monsters tackling him. Soon enough all of us had to deal with one of the shady figures. "Ok! That's enough! Time to...bring the flames!" I say expecting fire to flash out of my hand but instead I get..........Nothing?

"WHAT?!" I scream at seeing that my powers are gone! "Kai?! What going on with you?!?! Where is your... you know, your fire bro!!!" Nya yells at me. "I-I I dunno!" I yell back. "Well your powers might have failed but these monsters don't stand a chance against my... LAVA ARMS!" Cole yells but nothing happens!

"WHAT THE HECK?!?! MINE ARE GONE TOO?!?!?!?!" Cole yells loudly "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US?!?!" I yell wile I try my best to keep the monster from killing me. "Well you two might be stuck but this one's about to get splashed back to last week by my...WATER!" And guess what! NOT A THING HAPPENS!!!

"OH NO! AHH!" So yeah, ALL OF OUR POWERS ARE GONE!!!! "What do we do?!" Nya says loudly as she try's to keep the monster that she's dealing with from ripping her face off. "The only thing we can do! Keep fighting the best we can until back up comes and make sure that the monsters don't kill any one!!!" Cole says as he struggles to not fall down. "And if they don't come?!" I yell. "Uh- er- I-I dunno?! We just gotta cross our fingers that they come!" Cole says as he now is basically having a wrestling match with the monster.

"Well...okay then we're dead!" Nya says "NOT THE TIME SIS!!!" I yell at her because she is starting to get on my nerves.

"Well! This is either gonna very well or the complete opposite of that!" I say nonchalantly

*End of flash-back*

And oh lord it was so, SO much worse!

Zane's POV
(a/n it's been a long time since one of these huh?)

"We strike hard and then fade into the night" TMNT x ninjago fanficWhere stories live. Discover now