Chapter 11 pt. 2

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A/N a few things. First should I make more chapters with the other turtles or should most of the chapters be with Leo and the ninja? Also I need 5 Oc elemental masters. with all of that said and done here is the chap.


Leo's POV


I hear a loud explosion at the back of the ship and I see smoke coming from one of the engines as the ship wobbles and I rush to the bridge. "Oh No! Uh- What Should I Do?!" I say panicking


The other engine explodes and the ship immediately goes air born...

Lloyd's POV

We are soaring down towards Ninjago city at fast speeds that I'm not even going to try to guess for two reasons. One: Cuz I will guess wrong. Two: Cuz we have a problem on our hands and it should and is our top priority. But in the distance I hear a slight 'boom' "Hey guys, did you hear that?" Jay asks in confusion "Yeah I did, should we check it out?" I answer "I didn't hear anything." Kai says "Me neither." Cole agrees


"I just heard it again." I say starting to be concerned. "Same." Jay replied "My sensors pick up a large and new pile of debris some where in the desert outside of Ninjago is but... My sensors don't pick up the Bounty at all." Zane says worryingly "*gasp* Leo!" Nya says fearing or our friend "Ok. We split up. Me, Zane, and Jay will look for Leo and the Bounty. The of you you take Ninjago city. Good luck guys." I say to everyone "Same to you." Nya says before her, Kai, and Cole fly down to the city.

With Leo (and it's his POV)


All over

All I feel is pain everywhere

I am awakened by a high pitched ringing sound in my head. I probably blacked out when the ship fell. I don't know where I am but I know that I'm in a desert and that I'm hurt. So I chose to do something irrational. Just lay down in the sand under the scolding sun and do absolutely nothing at all. Nothing but sinking into a ocean of thoughts, most about the pain that I'm in right now... but others about my 'not brothers' I wonder what they are doing... Mikey is probably watching TV, Don working on some random invention, and.......Raph... is probably punching the practice dummy *sigh* I miss them. Even though they probably don't miss or care about me, they probably hate me and happy that I'm gone. Well at least they're happy that's all I need. Then some thing just popped into my head, a song. A lullaby. I used to sing it to them Whenever they couldn't sleep or had a nightmare...

Mini A/N WARNING! minor feels coming up. Ok now you may read

Leo: You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know dear
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away

That last line "please don't take my sunshine away." I almost let them all get taken away that night. I was so stupid to them get so close to getting taken away. I can't let that that happen to them or my real brother and new friends. Even if it means that I need to get taken away instead.

With all my strength I tried to stand but I can't. Then it hit me. My knee is dislocated, so is my shoulder. It took a lot but I managed to sit up straight. The first thing that I see is a huge gash going across my chest and from what I can feel it's really deep along with many different cuts bruises and from what I can feel a whole lot of broken bones. Also what does internal bleeding feel like? Cuz I think that I just found out ......... the hard way. So I've seen better days. But hey, at least I'm alive btw how am I alive? Cuz I really wanna know. It probably has something to do with my powers.

I scavenge around and find a little bit of medical supplies still in tact...somehow. I use it all to bandage up all of my wounds the best that I could. I painfully shifted into a meditating position and concentrated soon I was floating in the air wile inside of a tornado that made the desert sand spiral around me and it looks really really cool

  It's the time-skip-apocalypse

Five hours of of aimlessly wandering around a desert inside a really cold tornado (I already know what your gonna say so yes I did say I was cold inside a hot desert without any water.)

I faintly see a small figure in the distance and I land softly on the ground and surprisingly it doesn't hurt as much as it did at first (keywords as much) once I got a little bit closer a saw that it was one of the shadow monsters that we saw on the Monitor. "Oh lord-" I say running (or limping) the best a person who has dislocated and broken legs could.

Then the thing I hoped didn't happen play out in front of me...

I slipped

On sand


The heck?!?!


I watch the figure come closer and closer I block my face and wait for the blow but it never came. Confused I look up and see Jay in a stance that makes me think that he hit the shadow monster at the back of it's head with one of his nunchucks as if it is a baseball bat.

"Leo you good? You look like you got run over by a semi truck." Jay says as he helps me up "Ha Ha very funny Aniki Sán." I say sarcastically "Come on let's go help the others." Nya says as everyone creates their dragon and Jay let's me in his...

To be continued...

A/N Hi guys! How have you all been? I hope that you liked this new chap, and plz submit your Oc's so I can keep at this book. Any ways thanks 4 reading this and have a nice night (or day idk) byeeee!!! ^ω^

Liv sining of

Word count 1063

"We strike hard and then fade into the night" TMNT x ninjago fanficWhere stories live. Discover now