Chapter Twenty One: A week of torture.

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Warning:This chapter contains multiple point of views.
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Bibi's POV.
Abuja, Nigeria.

A week down the line, I was doing exactly what my parents had said: being patient. Even though I am not fighting for our marriage, I don't have that kind of energy, and today I really want to go and see Mama. I heard she and Baba are getting back together.

After washing the last spoon that was left, I cleaned my hand with a towel and closed the kitchen door before going back to my room. I took my bath and scanned through my clothes for something decent. I'm tired of wearing native attire; it's so uncomfortable. I spotted a floral gown and a black abaya, which I paired with its matching veil.

I removed them from their assigned hangers, walked over to my shoe rack, and picked up a pair of black Vinnci flats and a black with a touch of pink. I strolled back into my room to get ready. I closed the door and walked downstairs after I was done.

Reaching the parlour, I sighted Ayman in the garden, so I walked over to him to ask if I could go to Babas House to say hi.

"Uhm, Ayman, please, I want to go home and see Mama. I will be back in an hour to make lunch," I asked, pouting a bit.
"No, you won't," he said with his back facing me, "but I will only be gone for an hour," I begged.
"What in the word NO don't you understand? I said you were not going anywhere, and that's final. Do you hear me?" He adds, turning around to face me completely.

I am telling you that if not for my mother's upbringing, I promise you that I would have poisoned him a long time ago. "Okay," I croaked, turning around to go back inside.

So much for getting ready.

Coming out of my room an hour later to cook lunch, I don't find Ayman anywhere; his car isn't outside either. I am sure he went out, so I decided to cook indomie for myself because if I were to make lunch, he would come back home and tell me that he is not hungry, so I am not even going to waste my time.

"Bibi!" someone yelled from outside. At first, I didn't recognise the voice, but it was Yaya Aisha and Fayha. I ran over to the door and opened it for them, giving each of them a hug.
"Yaya Aisha I missed you so much. How are you, and how is my baby? I hope she isn't disturbing you down there." I asked, beaming at her, all my worries disappearing.

"She isn't, and don't worry, we are both fine. Where is Ayman?" She asked, removing her veil, "Well, he just stepped out. What can I get you?" I ask.
Oh, nothing. We came home to get you, and then we were going to get Yasmin and Ibteey. We're going on a girl's date."
"But Ayman said I can't go anywhere; I wanted to go home earlier, but he said no," I said, slumping back onto the couch.

"Well, I am his elder sister, and he can't disobey me, so let's go. You are not a prisoner. You have been in this house for a week; you need fresh air. I'm sure the house is suffocating. Come on, go get your bag and something to put over your dress; I will talk to him," she assured.

Arriving at the front of our house, I got down even before the gate was opened and ran inside. I know I sound like a little girl, but I just want a hug from my mom so bad. "Ma!" I shouted immediately as the maid opened the door. "Yes, baby, I am in the kitchen, Mama replied from the kitchen, running towards the kitchen. I gave her a very big hug.
"I missed you so much, Mama." I missed you too, my daughter. Where is Ayman? "Well, Mama, actually, the thing is, I came home with his sisters, not him," I explained.

"And why didn't you say so?" She dropped the chilli peppers in her hands and walked over to the basin to wash her hands. "Tell the maid to get some snacks," she said, and she walked out.
Doing so, I met them in her sitting room. Ibteey came running towards me, shouting, "Oh, my baby sister has grown up to the extent of forgetting her sister," she said, glaring at me.

No, no, it isn't true; that's enough. Let's get going. We're going to be late. See you later, maama. Yaya Yaya Yasmin interrupted me and YaYa Ibteey's banter.

And with that, we picked up our belongings and left the house.

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