chapter 40

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     Lucario punched into my hand. Time seemed to slow down, I felt no pain at all.

     Waves of Aura bounced off of us, sending everyone almost falling back. I stood my ground as Lucario backflipped off of my hand and onto the ground.

     He stood for a few seconds then crumpled to the ground. He returned to regular Lucario.

     "What happened? " Korrina asked.

    Placing a hand on my head I started to see double. Then I crumpled to the ground near Lucario.



    "They're breathing that's for sure." A stern voice interrupted.

  I opened my eyes and saw everyone huddled around me and Lucario. I gave a small smile.

    "Are you okay?! " Korrina asked.

   "I'm fine...I guess." I muttered the last part so no one could hear me

    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lucario still hurt. "We need to help him!! " I yelled grabbing one arm while Korrina grabbed the other.

   Together we ran to the pokemon center. While we were waiting everyone sat at a booth together.

     "Why do you think Lucario acted like that? " Serena asked after a while.

    "Maybe it just couldn't handle the Mega Evolution." Korrina said.

    "Probably because it got over excited." Bonnie suggested.

     "No its not, " I snapped. "Lucario couldn't hear anyone. He was trapped in pitch black. He couldn't find a way to control himself."

      "How do you know that? " Ash asked.

   "I - I don't know." I hesitated then took a deep breath, "When Lucario punched my hand, I saw what he was seeing. It wasn't good....His only target was Pikachu."

    I rubbed my arms getting goosebumps. "He was in pain." I whispered.

    Nurse Joy came out of a set of doors with Lucario!!

   "Lucario!! " Korrina yelled running over to him. "You remember me right? "

   Lucario nodded and did some funny squats.

   "Now we can master Mega Evolution!! " Her Grandfather suddenly snapped.

   "You clearly are not able to!! "

   Everyone froze. Bonnie started to cling to my waist.

    "What do you mean? "


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