Chapter 46

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     "Welcome everyone to the Pokemon Summer Camp! " Professor Sicamore announced.

    "This is a camp we do every year for trainers and their pokemon to grow a stronger bonds. Nurse Joy has opened up a pokemon center here just for us."

     Nurse joy takes a step forward and bows. "I am more than happy to help you with your pokemon. "

     "And don't forget about those delicious meals you will be getting by our cafeteria manager Mrs.Janice. "

      "I'm here so that way you can get a delicious meal. Of course I have help with three amazing cooks."

     Three people bowed down. They seemed oddly familiar.

   "As you know your put into groups. Each day we have a challenge. You will be awarded points based on how well you did your challenge. 3rd place gets 3 points. 2nd place gets 7 points. And 1st place gets 10. The team that gets the most points by the end of the week will win the honor of going into the pokemon summer cam Hall of Fame. Just like the Champion, Diantha, did when she was a child."

     I gasped a bit when I visioned her at this camp. wow...

     "Today's challenge is a battle. No points will be awarded. So you can battle anyone you'd like. See you at Dinner everyone."

     "We'd be following the footsteps of Diantha!! " Serena said.

  "Hey Ash wanna battle? " Tierno asked walking up.


    Shuanna walked up to Serena."Do you wanna battle? " "Yes."

    Traverse walked up to Clemont. "Lets battle."

    "Come on Bonnie, lets go watch your brother." we started walking when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy with brown hair and green eyes.

     "My name is Brian,you want to battle? "

    "Alright, " I crouched down to Bonnie. "You watch your brother okay? "

     "I'm watching you." My eyes widened. "Alright. Come."

   "My name is Elli by the way. and this is Gardevoir and Bonnie." I said, gesturing to them.

     "Cool. Not to be rude or anything but what happened to your leg?" He asked.

     "Oh, its a long story."

    "Maybe another time. Okay, this seems like a good spot."

     We stood face to face on each other, a crowd started to form around us.

    "You can go first Brian." I said, holding my hand out.

     "Okay, Machop come on out and use Pound! "

   A small pokemon that looked a lot like a human came out of its ball.

    I nodded to Gardevoir, she nodded then got out if the way. Machop went for another punch but she got out of the way again.

    "How are you able to do that? " Brian asked, shocked.

    "Gardevoir and I have a strong connection. Our hearts are one, they beat at the same time. We understand each other completely. Now Gardevoir use Shadow Ball. "

      The ball hit Machop who fell to the ground. After a few seconds Machop stood up again.

    "Use Wake Up Slap."

    Gardevoir knew what to do, Double Team. All of the Gardevoirs surrounded Machop.

     He tried to hit one of them but it just disappeared

    "Fairy Wind." I called out.

     A tornado came out of Gardevoir's body, knocking him over again.


   The crowd formed even stronger. I even noticed Professor Sicamore too.

     "Machop get up and use Low Kick! "

     Machop got up and ran to Gardevoir. I nodded My head, she nodded in return and ran to Machop's back side.

     "Use Moon Blast." I called.

     The moon's power was placed on Gardevoir.  A blast went straight to Machop. When the dust settled Macho fainted.

    "Machop is unable to battle. This means Elli and Gardevoir are the winners." The judge called.

      "You did awesome Gardevoir! Thanks." I said, grabbing her hand and walking to Brian.

     "You were great. " I said, putting my hand out .

     "You did too." We shook hands, when we parted he gasped.

    "What's the matter? " I asked.

    "You have a Key Stone. And Gardevoir had a Mega Stone!! You could've Mega Evolved Gardevoir to win."

    "But that would've been an unfair advantage. Don't you think?" I asked giving a smile.

    "Guess your right ...well thanks again for battling me. See you later."

    "Elli!!!! " Bonnie squealed, jumping onto me.

    I chuckled and held her onto my back. "So how did it look like? a good battle? "

      "It was probably the best one yet!! "

    "Its almost dinner time. Lets get moving!! " I started running with Bonnie on my back.


    "And she did it barely saying a word! " Bonnie exclaimed during dinner.

    "So that great huh? Wish I could've seen it." Ash said .

   "Its only been five minutes since dinner started and your plate is completely clean." I said, looking at it.

     It was as if food was never there.

   "Winning makes me hungry..."

     "Attention campers, " We all turned our heads to see Professor Sicamore on the stage.

     "I'm sure you've had a lot of fun battling. Ive also seen an amazing battle earlier involving a Machop and. Gardevoir."

     I felt my cheeks heating up.

    "But now tomorrow will be a new day. And more exciting challenges will be in store. But for now enjoy your food and we'll see you tomorrow. "

     Proffesor Sicamore walked off the stage and over to us. "Ive noticed that you and Gardevoir have a Key Stone and Mega Stone."

    Tierno, Shuanna, and Traverse gasped.

     "Would you mind maybe later you could show me mega Gardevoir?"

     I sat there for a fee seconds before answering. "Id be glad to show you during a battle, but if your asking me to give the stones to you I'm sorry. They're part of our connection."

     "That would be wonderful during battle.Well goodnight." He walked away.

   "So you can mega Evolve Gardevoir? " Traverse asked.

    "Yup. Well Goodnight."


      After changing into pj's I climbed onto the top bunk and sat there for a few minutes. Fiddling with the Key stone.

      "What's wrong? " Bonnie asked from the other top bunk.

    "Oh nothing...goodnight." I layed down and fell asleep.

   Hi readers!! Done with another Chapter!! Please Vote and Comment!!


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