𝘴𝘪𝘹.𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.

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A/N: Hello, readers! I'm not gonna be writing out the whole match against Touou. Just the beginning part, the part where Aomine comes in, and then the ending. Enjoy!

edited on january 8th, 2022 @ 7:45pm

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .


TODAY WAS FINALLY THE MATCH that everyone had been waiting for. Seirin vs Touou, and most importantly, Aomine vs Aomine. Just thinking about it made Daigo want to puke.

"Aomine-kun, are you okay? We can bench you today if you don't feel up to it. You are going against family, after all." Riko informed. Every one of his teammates looked at him. Kuroko and Kagami looked concerned.

"Listen, everyone." Daigo started to say. "I know you all are worried about me. But I'm fine, really. I don't really like using my skills much. As you may have figured out from the Shinkyo match. But we're going up against Daiki. Even though he is a cocky ass bastard, he's forgotten that I have the same skills as him, and of course, we have Bakagami and Tetsu too."

Kagami smirked at Daigo's statement. They continued walking to the stadium. "Oi, Daigo. Are you sure you're okay? You don't have to hide from me you know." Kagami stated. "I am the only one that you showed your weak state too after all." He added in his head.

"Do you want me to be honest, Taiga?" Daigo questioned. Kagami's heart fluttered hearing Daigo say his first name. Daigo only used his first name when they were alone. Kagami nodded.

"I'm nervous as hell." Daigo admitted. "I mean, sure I went against Daiki when we were younger. But those were just for fun and because I constantly annoyed him to let me play against him. But now... It's the real thing. I always thought I would be on the same team as him. We would play together. After what happened with the Generation of Miracles, I decided to not follow him anymore."

"And the fact that bastard Akashi is the reason why my brother is like this in the first place..." Daigo thought.

"We'll win, Daigo. I promise." Kagami told him.

They finally arrived on the court as Daigo set his basketball bag down and took off his jacket. He looks over to Touou's side. "Daiki's not here... Why am I not surprised? He'll most likely show up though. He's not the type to skip a match." Daigo thinks to himself.

"Don't worry about him. We're just the welcoming party." Imayoshi replied when Kagami asked where Daiki was.

The match began as Touou immediately overpowered Seirin. Due to Momoi's analyist skills, they were able to counterattack them with every move they made.

When the third quarter was about to begin, Daigo heard his brothers voice as he turned around and saw that he had an arm around Kagami's shoulder.

Kagami shoved him away as Daiki took off his jacket. Daigo watched as his twin was being lectured at his team for being late.

"So, you finally show yourself, Daiki. You were always the one to be fashionably late." Daigo spat out as Daiki walked onto the court.

"You always knew me better than anyone else, little brother." Daiki taunted. This claim shocked some of the audience members.

"He's related to Seirin's No. 17?"

"Yeah, you didn't know that?"

"Shit! That means both Seirin and Touou have an Aomine on their team! This match will be an interesting one!"

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