18- A Long Long Time Ago

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Three years ago

"Mommmmm, do we haveeee to go?" whined a six-year-old, Michael Bravermen.

The Braverman's were getting reading to go to the carnival, it was Kirsten Bravermen's birthday and this year she had chosen to go to the carnival.

"Yes, honey, we have to, its Kiri's birthday" the mother tried to reason with him.

Being a stubborn child, he decided to negotiate it to his advantage "Okay, but do I get three ice-pops and fried oreo burgers?"

"That's not good for your health! How about we cut it down to two?" Mama Bravermen argued.

He nodded and set about happily, with the youngest Bravermen on board, they were all set to go.

It had been a while since Kirsten had been around kids her age, or just out and about in the world, her face lit with joy as they neared the carnival.

She counted and recounted all the rides she wanted to be on.

And soon they were all queueing up for all sorts of rides, Kirsten felt alive and thrilled once again, she felt like everything would be okay again and Highschool would be a dream.


Today was also the day that Frederico
Ruth chose to volunteer at the 'Kiss a hottie' booth.

Standing at six feet tall, a handsomely chiselled face, and a sculpted body, he easily looked way older than he was.
To Frederico, this was about pissing off his parents as much as it was about exploring his sexuality.

About twenty young guys and girls alike queued up to kiss the handsome stranger, for many, it would be their first kiss.

A petite Lil announcer stood by his side and declared "kiss should not last longer than two minutes, if you don't have a ticket, please don't queue to watch, I will be checking and lastly, no tongue"

She looked at Frederico, making sure he understood the last rule.

And then it was showtime.

A young girl of about fourteen, nervously climbed up the stage and gazed at Fred, as if he was the love of her life, placed a chaste kiss on his lips, immediately got off the stage and left.

The second in line was a tall lanky guy, he wore a loose t-shirt that slung on his frame.
He climbed up on the stage, nervously fretting about till Fred grabbed his hand, interlacing his fingers with his and looked at him with earnest, asking for permission to go further.
He then leaned over and whispered "I am now going to kiss you, forget about all these people, it's just you and me here, baby"
He then proceeded to feverishly lock his lips with the said stranger, their right hand still intertwined as their left explored each other's bodies.

"That's it, enough, time is up! Break it! Chop chop, right now Frederico" the announcer went on.

They paid no heed to her words as their bodies mashed together, lost in the throes of a kiss.

"Fredrico, stop giving them a show" she yelled this time around.

They broke apart, bodies still touching, forehead resting against the other as they caught their breath.

The tall lanky guy was no longer nervous or fretting, he was openly adoring the adonis who had just taken away his first kiss.

"Next please" the announcer called.

This ended Fred moment with the stranger so he whispered "I will be around in twenty minutes, here's my number, and we can continue this"
Slipping a card into his back jean pocket, another chaste kiss and the guy walked off the stage while Fred longingly watched.

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