34- Can I take You?

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Kirsten's POV

My eyes canvassed over the decorated roof for the hundredth time as the thought that it was my last night in my room kept me from sleeping.
What if the white count was elevated, Then what? What if it's back and I have been ignoring it for some time? What if it was worse?

This couldn't be happening to me. I said yes to Nova, How will I tell him all of this? How will I keep him from committing to someone whose body isn't even committing to them?

I hope I don't find out the results before the date. Wait, What time is the date?

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text.

What time? I asked.

Noon, he responded.

Aha, A man after my own heart, who responds in as many words as required.

There are twelve long hours to noon and at the rate, my mind was spinning, I doubted that I would get any sleep at all, so I set out to work.

My work was to figure out concretely what I wanted to do with the time I had left if any. I couldn't help but be pessimistic, things didn't look good the last time and what says it would be any easier this time.

I spent the next few hours canvassing the Internet, obsessing over everything I wanted to do and I had a list down.

I wanted to paint better.
I wanted to spend a week In Czechia.
I wanted to hike in Croatia.
I wanted to write a song. A memoir.
I wan—

My listing session was interrupted by a loud knock on my door followed by my father's voice calling out my name.

"Kiwi, Sweetheart, Are you still awake?"

"Yeah Dad, Come i—"

The door flew open, he walked in surveying the state of the room before asking "Are you okay? What's going on? I know your mother told me about it but you know sweetheart, it could just be nothing, it might just be a scare"

Dad was always disproportionately optimistic, he made up for the pessimistic outlook that I shared with mom. He had been the father who was late to work every other day because he wanted to wish me a good morning and the hospital wasn't on his route to work. He would plan my future with me, he would supplement my daydreams and start everything that was to take place in the future with a 'When you are well, we will....'

It was always a When and never an If. But it took a toll on him the longer it took me to get better. And now it was happening all over again, I could see the brave face he was putting on as he tried to envelop me in his optimism.

He read my list, we spoke about Croatia and Czechia, about his youth, his dog and how he believed that no matter what happened tomorrow, the things I wanted would happen.

With his words in my mind and the promise in his voice reverberating through me, I fell asleep.


I felt my phone buzz again as I continued ignoring it.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

It buzzed incessantly until I fetched it from between the layers of my duvet. There were several missed calls from Talia.

Odd. Why was she calling me?

And then my eyes fell on the corner of my screen. The time read ten-thirty five am. I had missed class, Today of all days.

I groaned in frustration as I realized that I had an hour and a half to get ready for the date that my body wasn't willing to cooperate with me for. My limbs hurt and I was just really tired.

Nevertheless, I willed myself to shower and style my hair, I slipped on a Burgandy body con dress with some stockings and the cutest pair of pointy shoes I could find. Sexy yet comfortable.

As I was giving my makeup the last touches, my mother walked in without warning. Her eyes brimming with tears as she said "Honey, the hospital called Dr.Myers has asked for a meeting, I scheduled it for today evening"

She then looked me up and down and continued "D...Do you have plans?"

And just then Dad walked and cast his optimism on the hospital visit, "Its probably a check-up visit, Preventative care is big these days"

I just stared at them wide-eyed, I didn't know what to say or do. I had a mother who nearly believed that I would be dead tomorrow and a father who behaved as if it was the common cold.

I chose to compartmentalise this news and enjoy my afternoon with Novak, so I excused myself and walked out of the house. It was already ten past noon and he wasn't here, so I just kept walking till my feet led me to Fred's house. It was the comfort of subconscious familiarity.

And just my luck, Fred was working in the garden, On all his fours, digging out the soil as he alternated between a spade and his bare fingers. He seemed enraged.

Why was I even here? He couldn't possibly help me in broad daylight, could he?

When his eyes fell on me, he rose on his knees and said "I am on meds, I won't hurt you, I promise, I am seeing a...." he trailed off as he watched my face morph into one of pain and uncertainty.

"It's back, Isn't it?" he whispered as if it would make it any less real if he did not utter it normally.

I nodded, as my voice choked in my throat and my eyes held back tears.

"I should go" I declared before letting my feet carry me back to my home.

And as if on cue Novak pulled up half an inch next to my feet.

He flipped open visor and took one look at me, then removed his helmet, letting the ringlets at the base of his head settle back into place.

His eyes
hungrily moved across my clothed body, drinking in every curve and crevice that the dress highlighted.

Wordlessly he got off his motorcycle, and held my face in his hands, leaving a greeting kiss on either cheek, before gesturing me to sit on the motorcycle.

And just like that, all my worries dispersed into the wind as the motorcycle whizzed through the busy streets, swerving between the cars.

The End of Chapter 34

A/N: wait for three more chapters before you kill me


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