Chapter One

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   The sun came up over the horizon and above the mountains, spreading rich, milky fingers of golden-orange light over the quiet Pridelands.
   Simba emerged from the cozy den in pride rock where all the lions slept, stretching every inch of his large body, waving his tail groggily. He majestically shook his luscious red mane, freeing it of any tiny tangles he'd gotten during his sleep.
   The dawn light spilled over the formidable lion king, complimenting his orangish fur. Simba took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the crisp spring air. His heart pattered with excitement.
   His first-born son has been born less than two weeks before, and just last night, overwhelming joy has overlapped the pride: the little cub had just opened his eyes right at moon high. Simba's son, Kopa, the future king of the Pridelands.
   It was the morning of Kopa's presentation, and all the animals of the Pridelands were already beginning to gather around Pride Rock to lay eyes upon both their new prince and their future ruler.
   "Hey, Simba!"
   Simba whipped around to see Nuka bound out of the den behind him. Nuka, the son of Scar and Zira, one of the pride's lionesses, was a very scrawny, young male lion with an appearance like that of his biological father's, but far scrappier.
   Simba flicked his ear in slight dismay (although he tried not to show it) as Nuka approached him excitedly. Simba was never really super fond of Nuka, but, as the loyal king Mufasa once was, he was required to treat all of his pride mates and subjects fairly.
   "Good morning, Nuka," Simba murmured, forcing himself to plaster a fake smile across his face. Nuka waved his tail as if to say good morning to you too, your majesty.
   "Woah!" Nuka gasped in wonder and amazement the second he caught sight of the scene going on in front of Pride Rock. "Look at all those animals! Are they here for Koper's presentation?"
   "His name is Kopa, not Koper," Simba muttered. "And, yes, my son is being presented this morning. You, Nuka, will have the honour of remaining inside the den, because only Rafiki and the members of the royal family are permitted at the edge of pride rock during the presentation."
   Nuka frowned and his ears flattened in disappointment. Simba walked right past him and into the den to check on his beloved mate, Nala, and Kopa.
   No one noticed Zira sitting in the dark shadows nearby, watching; her yellow-and-red eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Her youngest cub, Vitani, who was about Kopa's age, was curled up at her paws, fast asleep.

   Finally, around an hour later, every animal in the Pridelands has gathered before Pride Rock, eager to see their new prince. Zazu soared overhead while Timon and Pumba, Simba's two best friends and the pair who raised him, lingered near the den for a moment.
   "C'mon, Pumba, it's just a presentation!" Timon nagged his best friend. "Think about it—you and me, standing up at the front of Pride Rock right next to the royals...we'll be very superior to those mediocre pheasant animals looking up at us!"
   "But Timon, I have major stage fright!" Pumba complained.
   Timon sighed and rolled his eyes.
   Suddenly, Rafiki proudly sauntered out of the den, the adorable baby Kopa cradled in his arms. Kopa's eyes, which were the same reddish colour as his father's, were wide with curiosity and wonder. Rafiki strode last Timon and Pumba and up to the front of Pride Rock, where Simba and Nala were already standing, proudly looking down upon their faithful subjects. Seeing Kopa melted the hearts of both Timon and Pumba.
   Timon finally got Pumba out of his stage fright—just this once—and together, the two of them walked up to the front and stood beside Simba, Nala, and Rafiki.
   Rafiki raised Kopa above his head and toward the bright sky, full of fluffy white clouds that seemed to be bathed in light from the heavens.
   Then, all at once, every single animal watching below cheered and bellowed celebratory. The zebras and wildebeests kicked up their front legs joyfully, and the elephants raised their trunks in hail to the little prince Kopa, while the monkeys clapped their humanlike hands, screeching happily.
   Simba and Nala looked at their beautiful son, then at each other before rubbing heads affectionately. Zazu soared in broad circles around Kopa. Grinning in amusement, Kopa reached out a miniature paw to playfully bat at the loyal hornbill. Simba thought he could see clouds in the sky forming the shape of his beloved father Mufasa. He smiled.
   Meanwhile, Zira remained in the shadows near the den's entrance, her eyes narrowed in fury and jealousy. Nuka and Vitani sat beside her, staring at Kopa, smiling, clueless of what was going on in their mother's mind.
   Remember, Zira. Scar's words filled her head. Kill all who follow Simba and take his place as ruler of the Pridelands. Remember.

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