School love rush

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I was sitting at my makeup table writing a list of gift ideas since Christmas was coming up. I had all my presents written down and I was ready too buy them. I ran over too Nash's house. We always hang out everyday at the same time. It's been 5 weeks since I've been here and tomorrow I start school. Me and Nash are going too staples (Daquan from staples) too get my last minute school supplies.

I did the usual and waited for Jenna too walk across the street too my house at the same time everyday. I started too have some feelings for her the day I took her too the fair. But now I'm falling for her. It's been a little while and I'm going too try too make a move soon but not today because were going school supplies shopping. I herd her knock at the door,i sprinted too it excited too see her I opened it and...

I knocked on the door and Nash opened up and picked me up and squeezed me into a big bear hug. "someone must have missed me huh?" I said in a jokingly tone. "Oh sorry." He said while turning his face down too his feet. Nash has been acting strange lately,ehh it'll probably blow over soon. Nash opened the door for you and then got in and started too drive too staples(Daquan). We walked into staples and grabbed some glue binders and folders since I got everything else with my mom. We then went on home.

The next day.

"Ughhhhhhgghghh." I pressed my alarm and looked at the time, it was 6:34. I got up and took my butt too the bathroom. I first washed my face and brushed my teeth and washed my body off in the shower. I went too my makeup desk and curled my hair. I also applied mascara ,concealer,powder. I put on my long sleeve PINK sweater on slipped on my leggings. I then put on deodorant and a dash of perfume and checked my time. 7:45. I ran down the stairs and ate some bacon and half a pancake since I was a late. I ran outside and saw Nash waiting on the bus stop. I then saw hayes walking so I ran beside him.


I looked across the street and I saw Hayes and another figure walk across the street together. It was Jenna. I gave her a hug and then looked at her. I've never seen her hair done or her makeup fully done. Damn. She's beautiful with and without it. I like the makeup better off but both are fine too. She then gave me a hug and looked up at me and said with a yawn "goodmorning" awe her sleepy voice is adorable. She then let go and said"Im pretty nervous Nash, what if everyone thinks I'm a slut,or I'm terrible. I'm scared." She said nervously. "Don't worry everyone's going too love you." I said with a smile. I saw out of the corner of my eye and saw her holding her arms shaking. She forgot her jacket. "I think you left something." I snickered,she nodded. "Here" I said givingly. "You'll be cold just keep it the bus should be here any minute." She said. "Here,i have a surprise for you!" I said hoping she'll like it. It was a Davidson Day sweatshirt. She gave me a big hug and said "Well maybe I'll fit in a little bit more, and it's just my size. Thanks Nash." She then put it on and smiled at me. Awh. Gosh.Her Smile. We then got on the bus after 5 minutes of unexpected waiting. We were the first people on the bus.


I then sat next too Nash. I scrolled through my Instagram trying too figure out how too control my nervousness. We say there in silence. Nash is still acting strange and I really need too find out why?! Is he hiding something from me? Let's hope not. As each person got on the bus and noticed I was sitting with Nash, some have me dirty looks there others didn't bother and some even talked too me and welcomed me too the school. I then got of the bus and ran into the school with Nash following behind me. He then showed me around the school. *skips school* You made 5 really nice friends. There names are amber,kelly,sadie,josh and chase. They were all in a group together so they took me in. I felt happy as the week passed by and it was now friday! Me and Nash were both sneaking out too go too the beach too look at the icy waters and just sit on top of the abandoned beach patrol hut and talk. You started too get ready. You then got ready. First you put on some jeans from Abercrombie (I love their jeans there amazing😍) and you're Davidson day sweatshirt. You put your hair in a messy bun and reapplied a but of mascara since you already put on makeup earlier for school. You then threw on your Uggs and your winter jacket and some gloves. You stepped out of you're window and than ran too the beach behind Nash's house with Nash following right behind you. "Hey" he said as you can see his breath forming in the air. "Hi" you said as you both ran off too the beach hut. Nash helped you up on too the roof with you doing the same for him. You just sat there and looked up into the icy freezing sky. He moved over an put his arm around your back and hugged you,He then spoke "Ive started too have feelings for you,and I'm really confused by it." He said timidly. "Well that explains why you've been so wierd around me lately, your feelings will probably only last a month Nash." He then nodded and removed his hand. You both gazed your way into the stars and fell asleep.

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