Chapter 46

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— Betty's POV —
- time jump: in college -

B: Where are we going tonight?
J: Not a chance Betts, you should know that by know I don't say where we go on our dates, cause then we wouldn't have as much fun getting there if it wasn't good enough.

I sigh in exasperation. We're walking down the hallway of Yale to one of the only classes that we have together, Journalism. It takes us about 15 minutes to walk there from our dorm, and for the past few days, I've spent every second trying to get it out of him, but he won't budge, and it's driving me crazy. He's driving me absolutely crazy.

J: Will you ever just accept that I won't give in to you?
B: Of course not, cause I know you will at some point, you have about 90% of the time.
J: Oh yeah? What's the other 10?
B: Now, and probably a few dates where you haven't, it's hard to keep track of them all, we've gone on so many dates.
J: True, but this is not one of those times.
B: Seriously?
J: Yup, now we're changing the subject.
B: Ughh..
J: You ready for the test in Creative Writing?
B: Please don't remind me, I don't think I'll ever be ready for that test.
J: *laughs* You said that last time.
B: And I'll keep saying it for every single rotten test in that class, I'm just not creative enough to just think up of a story on the spot. That's why I love Journalism, and that's where I'm majoring in.
J: And that's why you got me to help you prepare a story so you know what to write.
B: Yeah well, it always just seems like I'm cheating, you know?
J: *sighs* Yeah, I know the feeling. I have to do that in Communications, so don't fret about it. We have to do a lot, even when we don't have the exact same schedule, we have mostly the same courses, so we can use our strengths to help each other at the things that the other falls behind on.
B: *sighs* You're right.
J: I always am.
B: *slaps his chest playfully* Shut up. I have my moments too, and you know that, ASL prodigy.
J: Hey! My hands are not my friend in that class.

We both laugh.

J: Here we are.
B: Then let's go!

I grab his hand, interlocking our fingers and pulling him to the door making him laugh as I open the door and bring us inside.


Word Count: 430
Hey guys! Guess who's back? ME! YAYYYYY MEEEE!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who voted on the previous part, it really helped. I honestly had no clue where I should take this story, but with your help, here we are! So, to remind everyone, since it's been AT LEAST a month, you guys chose for me to do a time jump, a few more parts, and then a final epilogue. So, here it is! I honestly have no idea how many 'a few' is, so bare with me as I figure this out.

Okay, love you all! 💜💜

~ Alexa 💕

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