9 - Shopping for you

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It had been a week or so since I overslept at Nicks and I wouldn't be lying if I said I did that twice more just in that week. I told my parents I was staying round a friends house, they knew for well it would be Nicks, my dad wasn't exactly the happiest man about it but my mom just shook it off. I wish I could just live with Nick, that way I wouldn't have to leave his bed even on the weekends and that would be nice. We actually scheduled next Friday night to be a date which came colliding with Nicks birthday which fell on the day after.

"We should go out somewhere, or we could stay inside again" Nick suggests as I walk through the corridor, he swings on his crutches. He was finally back at school which was a relief but he had to take it really slow on the crutches, which was annoying when the corridor was busy.

"Or we could go out and then stay inside?"

"That sounds like a plan. I'll have to find out some places we could go, restaurant I guess?"

"Whatever, its your birthday. We make it special for you" I shrug. I wasn't really bothered where we went, as long as I was spending quality time with him that's all that matters and that he was happy with whatever happened on his birthday. We finally reached his classroom and I kissed him quickly as he wobbled on the crutches and said goodbye retreating to my lesson, not wanting to be late.

The day went by and after school I took Nick home as usual and drove back to Omid and Christa's shop to continue my after school job. Omid had me rearranging stock and sticking the shipping labels on jiffy bags from their online sales.

"Take these to the mail office and you'll be done for today" Omid tells me as he hands me a box full of brown bags. I nod at him and say goodbye shoving the box on the passenger seat. I drive to give the mail in and pass the spot that Nick had crashed his car, it made me a little nervous. All I could think of was the song wonderwall and the ringing sound in my ears as the truck collided with us.

I was thankful Nick was alright, although he didn't deserve to get what he did. Several scars would forever be on his leg and he could have problems walking in the future but I tried to look on the positive, he seemed to be alright on crutches. It didn't bother him too much. I put the brown bags in the mail and brush off my hands. I was proud of my work, even if I didn't do very much.

I debated whether or not to go to Nicks. I decided against it, thinking that tonight I should probably spend some time with my parents. It was nothing special, the meal with my family that is. My dad continuously asked how Nick was, he obviously cared about him enough to keep asking. I think he liked him, which was good on my part because I wouldn't get killed for being with him all the time.

"He's a good guy Clem, I like him." My dad announces his feeling about my boyfriend. Good start.

"You've said this dad. Thanks." I try to speak with as little attitude as possible as I get fed up of him repeating the same words every night.

"I'm just saying. I think he looks after you and vice versa. I'm happy for you, I really am" he gives me a warm smile making me grin back.

"Thanks dad" he scruffs the top of my hair. Maybe I wouldn't have gotten this much attention if I had a sibling. Not very many of my friends had siblings, I had quite a small family but then I'd look at someone like Nick who only really has his Uncle Pete. Everyone else had either abandoned him long ago or was now six feet under.

I spent the night sending stupid Snapchat to Nick as he laid in bed shirtless playing PlayStation. He didn't even need a filter to make his blue eyes glisten on the camera as he takes a ridiculous selfie of himself. I screenshot and he goes ballistic, with a smile still on his face as he scowls at me through a 10 second video marked off in purple.

I laid in bed and looked at the window, reminding myself of the time that Nick climbed through it. Now that I thought about it that could have been a perfect opportunity for me to finally kiss him again after that long period without him, instead I had Luke playing me around. On the other hand climbing through bedroom windows also reminded me of Braydon and the night my parents found out I smoked. Although that was in a different house.

It was the inevitable from my very first day at Few high that Nick would become much more than that goofy best friend who drives me through the McDonalds drive through way too many times a week. Which on another note, I needed to cut down. My slim body now looked like a pregnant ladies stomach. Also I'm not pregnant, just fat. Me and Nick are careful with these things.

Nick was the perfect suit for me. Everything about him made me fall head over heels for him. His hair, his witty remarks, the way he treats me like a princess, how I feel more comfortable around him than anyone else, the way he smiles (especially after I lay on his chest and look up at him, the way he looks down at me gave me goosebumps). There was so much more to discuss about Nick, so many more ways I could list his greatness but writing a bible in my head would be saved for another day.

Nick was the man. Nick was my man.

Unlike Luke I couldn't see him running off with other girls. He was loyal and I knew he loved me, he expressed it so well. Showering me in gifts and keeping me safe. But what I had to do now was to repay him with an amazing 18th birthday present that he'll never forget. I had until Friday. I should have started planning months ago.

The next day Nick whined as to why I wouldn't be staying with him after I dropped him off. I just told him I had to run some errands. He rolled his eyes and the metal on the crutches clunked as he walked down to his house.

I went to the mall and brought various items for his birthday. I brought him a brand new video game he wanted, a few CD's, new underwear (because to be fair, I've seen his...they shouldn't even be labeled as underwear anymore they were disgraceful). I also went to the printing shop to grab some photographs.

The woman at the counter stared at me as she handed over the photographs that included shirtless mug shots of my boyfriend. I blush and she gives me an uneasy smile, that was something for her to laugh about when she got home.

I also came out another shop with a bag full of novelty items just for a few laughs to see him smile. I did spoil him a little but whenever I thought about the price of items I considered if I was spending too much. I looked down at my necklace and glanced at my bracelet remembering how much he had spent on them. I would immediately punch in my pin number.


I knew them 4 numbers too well. I need to stop spending money and start saving for college. But then again...live life in the present...right?

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