23 - Flirtatious distraction

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The next month was quiet. People still attempted to get over Bonnie and Jane's murders but it never happened. We were all still traumatised. Mine and Nicks relationship was still the same. His dad had attempted to get hold of him once again just to be ushered away by Pete.

"He came to the door and started bashing on it, Pete then went full badass. He grabbed one of his hunting rifles and pointed it at him. He was shouting thing like 'don't think I won't shoot because 30 years in prison wouldn't be so bad as long as your sorry ass is dead'" Nick laughs as he tells the story. It was pretty funny when you imagine Mark being terrified with a rifle.

But what concerned me most was that in the next week it would be prom and Nick hadn't even asked me. Did he care? Or was he not even planning to go? I tried not to think about it, maybe he just assumed we were going together. But then you see all these girls in school getting excited about these guys they like being really romantic about giving them the best 'will you go to prom with me?' Surprises.

I didn't let it get to me, even if we didn't go to prom I knew he'd still love me. I hope. He was really good at walking now without a cane. He could walk around the house without it, it was only when he went to school he would need it because it would start to get painful if he didn't have the support.

"You have to admit, I'm getting better" he smirks as he does jazz hands swinging his cane around.

"You need to work on the dancing though" I laugh at him.

"But at least when my legs better I can do this again" he walks over to me and attempts to pick me up.

"Careful!" I shout. His leg gives way and he stumbles to the floor as I jump off.

"Shit that hurt, not yet" he begins to chuckle on the floor in pain. I pull him back up and hand him back his cane.

"You can sweep me off my feet when you're better, not before. I promise." I tell him with a smile. I had just stopped off at Nicks before work. He told me that I had to come round because he couldn't kiss me that much during the school day. So I said I could only stay there for 10 minutes before Omid would ring me asking where the hell I was.

"I need to go now" I inform him putting my shoes back on by the door.

"No you don't" he laughs pulling me away from the door.

"Come on Nick, I need to go. Don't tempt me" I chuckle as I pull away from his grip and I continue to tie my shoelaces.

"So you're just going to leave me?"

"Do you want me to lose my job?"

"Not really"

"So then let me go" I say standing up after my shoes were securely on.

"But I don't want you to go" he presses his lips against mine and I begin to kiss him, but then I realise that I had to get to work. I couldn't be late again.

"Stop" I say laughing as I try and push him off.

"You can't resist me." He grins kissing me again. I started laughing on his lips as I try to back away.

"Seriously, I need to go" I push him off once again and he sulks. Why was he so alluring? He needed to stop being so flirtatious, that way I could actually leave.

"Well no kissing boys at work" he instructs me like a father.

"Like who? Omid?" I laugh again also...yuck.

"Anyone really"

"So you're telling me when you used to work in the record shop you didn't flirt with the girls there?" I question him, hand on my hip.

"Maybe... It never worked. But I didn't even know you then"

"Anyway enough of this chatter, I really need to go." I kiss him quickly but he lingers on my lips.


"Stop it" I growl as he trys to tempt me to stay with him longer.

I say goodbye, finally. I head off to work in the town and I pull up around the back of Omids shop. I walk into the back and walk through the office, Omid was serving a customer.

When he had finished he came through and looked surprised.

"Look who decided to show up" he sighs as he stares at his watch.

"Sorry, I got a little held up" I say, he decided to ignore my excuse for being a little late and told me what I would be doing.

"I need you to put the new DVD's we've received on the system, we want 20 listings for each DVD on Amazon." He explains pointing to a huge box, most likely our shipment of new DVD's.

I sit myself down on the computer chair and start unpacking the box.

"On it" I smile at him. He just smirked slightly. He didn't seem to be in the greatest of moods.

I was a hard worker when I wanted to be. Yes I was a little late but I stormed through all of the work I needed to do in the 3 hours before he closed up the shop. He was pretty impressed by this and patted me on the back.

"Here's your wages for the week, when you are here your works pretty impressive. Thanks" he compliments me.

"How's Christa?" I ask as I put my jacket on ready to leave.

"She's alright I hope, the baby is still cooking in the oven but he's getting there." She says with a smile.

"He?" I pick up on his use of the word.

"Yeah, she had a scan and apparently I'm going to be the father of a little boy. I told you it was little Omid the second" he laughs.

"I honestly doubt Christa will let you call him that"

"I know, sadly. She's thinking along the names of Justice, Justin, Jace,James? or something like that. Something beginning with the letter J. Who knows?" He chuckles slightly. I just so happen to peak into the envelope with my weeks wages inside it and smile.

"Thanks again" I tell him. I was pretty sure he had given me some extra cash for helping him out and being a hard worker.

"That's alright. I appreciate your help, so does Christa." He nods.

I was happy I could help. But now it was time to get back home to my parents. I hadn't really been around them as much as I should since we moved here but they said they were happy as long as I stayed safe and that I was happy.

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