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Five in the morning. That's the worst time in the world for me. It's when the day begins. It's when the night ends. Have you ever considered how safe a bed is? So long as you're alone, nothing could possibly go wrong under the covers. Nothing to worry about, no deaths to count, no invisible friends to talk to, and no society to interact with. 

But five means no more bed, drink the medicine, and go to school. 

It means go to lunch, drink the medicine, and eat all alone. 

It means come back home saying that I had a great day, drink the medicine, and forget about my homework. Crawl into bed and feel safe again. 

It means to eat dinner while making up wild stories about my day, drink the medicine, and then take a shower to wash it all off for the day. 

It means drink the medicine, and then go to sleep. 

Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. Drink the medicine. 

That's all anyone ever tells me. Drink your medicine, and all will be better. Fill yourself with magic chemicals, and you'll automatically see the good in everything. Hell, you might even go so far as to crack a smile. A genuine smile. 

Well maybe I don't need medicine. Maybe I just want a hug. Maybe I just want a friend. Maybe I just want to stay in bed today, where it's safe and nothing can get me. 

My mother interrupted my daily morning thoughts by knocking on my door. I pulled up the covers higher and groaned. "Alex, get out of bed, " She said, frustrated with me. Like I said, daily morning thoughts. 

"Can't I just stay here with you today? " I requested. 

"You have to go to school, Alex. You have so much to look forward to. " Yes, medicine to be drank. Inner thoughts to be had. So much to look forward to. 

"But Mum-" I protested. 

"But nothing. "

"I feel sick, " I complained. 

She put her hand to my forehead and sighed. "Well you do feel a little bit warm. Let me take your temperature and then we'll decide. " As soon as she left, I quickly drank a spoonful of the medicine next to my bed. It was warm, so it should make my temperature elevate enough to give me a temperature above normal. 

She came back with a thermometer that she stuck in my mouth for a few moments before taking it away to see that my temperature was a little high. So then I had a small fever today in her imagination. "Alright. It seems like you do have a small fever today. You can stay home, but I expect you to be here when I get back. "

"Where are you going? " 

"Just out to get some groceries. I'll be back. "

"At five in the morning? "

"Well... No. I also have some other errands to run that will take some time. I should be back around noon. " 

"Okay, then. " It still wasn't quite right, but I'll let it slip because I get to stay in bed all day. 

After my mother left the room, I immediately fell back asleep. It's so safe and secure under the covers. 

I woke up feeling discomfort, and knowing that I didn't want to wet the bed, I went to the bathroom. As soon as I glanced into the mirror, I screamed. My reflection was not my own. I went to touch my face, but the reflection did not follow. I closed my eyes. "This is a dream. This is a dream. " 

"It's not a dream, Alex. And you should really drink you medicine," The reflection said to me. 

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He had spiky black hair and was taller than me, but also seemed like a good person. If this is a dream, then maybe I'm okay to talk. "Why should I? It makes me hallucinate things like you. "

"But if you don't drink your medicine, you'll end up like me." He looked around. "Four walls and trapped in a mirror your whole life. "

"You have crippling anxiety? " I cocked my head at him. 

"Well, no. " 

"Who are you anyway? " I asked finally, shaking my head. 

He held his hand our, but was blocked by the glass. "Jack Barakat of the Mirror Society. My people make mirrors, but sometimes people get stuck in them. If we can't help people, we just get trapped in our jobs forever. It becomes our whole life. " 

"And so how long have you been there? " 

"How long has it been since you last renovated this bathroom? " He asked, looking at the ceiling with thought. 

"Oh, God. What have you seen? " I asked, embarrassed. 

"Well, I close my eyes. But I've heard you sing. You're really good at it, Alex. " 

I felt my face grow hot. 

I suddenly heard a door close downstairs. Shit, that's my mother. "Alex, I'm home! " She called, her voice resounding through the house. 

I quickly waved to Jack and walked slowly out of the bathroom, faking it. "Mum, " I whined. 

"Did you throw up? " She asked, concerned. 

I shook my head. "Just felt like it. I thought that I was dreaming until you came home. " My eyes grew wide as the thought hit me. I. Waved. To. Jack. Then he is  real. So why haven't I ever seen him before? And why all of thes sudden is he showing up? 

"Did you take your medicine? " She asked me, making sure that I would stay mentally stable or some shit like that. 

"Yes Mum, you don't need to worry about me having an anxiety attack any time soon. " I sighed after I said it. I wished that it would just be easy and that wouldn't be what had to be said. 

How do normal people live their lives? 

Drink Your Medicine (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now