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I came home from school the following day with a newfound energy. Things were looking up. I was getting a guitar soon, and I was finally making a friend for the first time in nearly seven years. 

"You seem happy, " My mum said, taking notice as I walked in the front door. 

I shrugged casually. "I'm just having a good day is all. " I started for the stairs, but stopped to turn and look back for a moment. "I'm sorry, by the way. About the other day. " 

"Hmm? Oh, that. It's alright, Alex. You were just upset. I understand it. " She looked down after she spoke. I put my hand against the banister and quickly leaped up the stairs for the bathroom. 

"Jack!" I called, knocking on the glass. 

"You know, it's like a fish tank. When you knock, it's rather loud. So I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't do that, " He said, looking annoyed. 

I retracted my hand, feeling my mood deflate instantly. "O-oh.. I'm sorry, " I sighed with defeat. I retracted my hand and looked at the ground. 

Jack sighed and smiled at me a little bit. "No, you're good. What's up? " He looked me over. "You seemed rather excited about something." 

"Can you tutor me? " I asked, looking up. 

He snorted at first, then laughed outright. "You expect me to teach you something?" 

"I was kind of hoping. " 

"Sorry, buddy. I'd love to, but I'm dumber than a doorknob. You'll have to find someone else to do it." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Why the sudden interest?" 

I bit my lip. "Remember when we were talking about bringing my grades up?" He nodded. "Well, I kind of asked for a guitar if I can keep high enough grades. My parents agreed to it. " 

His face lit up. "You're getting a guitar?! Dude, that's fucking-" He cut off. "I mean, freaking awesome." 

I laughed. "I don't mind if you swear, Jack. I didn't think you'd be so excited. " 

His eyes got this dreamy look in them. "I've always wanted to play guitar. " 

"I've got to get you out of there. " I looked around the edges of the mirror. 

"Believe me when I tell you that that's impossible. " 

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible. " I proceeded to take the mirror off of the wall, for it was simply hanging on a nail in the wall. Behind the mirror was corkboard that was glued on firmly. If I could just-

There was a knock at the door. "What's taking you so long in there? " Helen demanded. 

Oh fuck. That's not good. I quickly put the mirror against the wall, lining it back up as best as I could. "Sorry, I'll have to do it later, " I apologized in a whisper. I quickly opened the door and looked casual. 

"Were you talking to yourself? " My sister asked me curiously. 

"I... " I tried my best to come up with a story, but she beat me to it. 

"It's okay to have an imaginary friend. I know your secret, Alex. I'm sorry that you're not having the greatest social experience. " She pushed past me and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. 

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wasn't going to make fun of me or tell someone about it. Finally making the decision to actually attempt homework, I ventured off into my bedroom. I took a drink of medicine before sitting down at my desk and opening a book.

"Alex? Alex?" A voice that sounded like my mother's was playing in my ears, and I opened my eyes to see it. I looked around and saw that my room was now dark, for it was now night time. My book was pressed against my face, and my mum was standing next to me, shaking me awake. 

"What time is it?" I asked, my voice coming out in an odd tone. 

"It's almost one in the morning. You insisted on doing your homework through dinner, so I brought it up." She pointed to a plate that was next to me. Some of the food had been eaten off of it, but for the most part it looked pretty untouched. "Did you finish it?" She asked. 

I looked at the paper in front of me and saw it covered in words and eraser shavings. There were several papers that looked similar surrounding it. I shuffled through them, put them all in a pile, and then put them back into my bookbag, deciding that it was good enough. Homework doesn't weigh that heavily on a grade, right? I stood up and my mum walked away from me a little bit. "Night," She said, turning away to close my door. 

"Night." I crawled into bed and fell back asleep immediately, feeling sanctuary under the safety, warmth, and weight of the blankets on top of me. 

If I really wanted to get that guitar by the end of the year, pull of the lie that I'd told mum and dad, and break Jack out of that god forsaken mirror, then I'd really have to up my game here. I can't fall asleep in the middle of homework, barely pass every test, and never even bother to pick up a textbook. It just doesn't work that way.  

Drink Your Medicine (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now