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The next morning, I woke up feeling rather unrefreshed. I really didn't want to get up, and that's saying something because I never want to get up. But now it's worse than usual. I looked at my clock and saw that it was five in the morning. I groaned because if I don't get up, Jack will be caught. I'll have to explain him. 

I threw my covers off, and drank a dose of medicine. Put my feet on the ground and fell completely. 

"Lex? " Jack whispered, barely opening his eyes as he lifted his head slightly. 

"I'm okay. Just a little bit low on strength I suppose. " I thought about it. I didn't really eat lunch yesterday, and hardly had anything for dinner. I was probably just hungry. "You need to get out. " I put my hands to the floor, pulling myself up. After standing, and getting over my dizzy spell, I opened the window all of the way. I traced my finger along the rubber of the screen that keeps it in place. I found the edge and pulled it up, taking it out of the screen and the frame. Once it was completely removed, I grabbed the screen and gestured to the open space. Jack stood up, rubbing his eyes. 

"I'll come out in about half an hour. We'll walk to school together. Don't go anywhere, okay? And don't let anyone see you, " I instructed him. 

He nodded. "Okay. I'll see you then. " He stuck his head out the window and then moved his feet out as well. He put them on the part of the roof below my window. He slid down to the gutter at the edge, then jumped. After that, he came around the side of the porch where I could see him and gave me a thumbs-up. I smiled. This was going to work out after all. I closed the window and locked it once more. I can deal with the screen replacement later. 

After getting into my clothes for the day, and brushing my hair and teeth, I was ready to go downstairs. I needed to talk to Mum and Dad about taking care of Jack for a little while. Foster care would help to keep us together. He could keep finding houses in the area. I wouldn't lose my best friend. 

My best friend who I also have feelings for. 

I felt myself grow hot with fear and anxiety as I looked sat my parents, who were both conveniently standing in the kitchen, drinking coffee and talking softly. "Mum? Dad? " I asked. 

"What is it? " My father asked. 

"I know someone who recently is homeless. They have no one and nowhere else to go. Can we give them a place to stay for a little while? I promise to share all of my things if you'd let me-" 

My mum held up a hand. "It sounds like you've already told this person they can stay. " 

I bit my lip. "Please. I'm all this person has. " I looked down. What am I going to tell Jack if they say no? I have no one else to go to. 

Mum and Dad looked at each other. "We'll think about it for the day. In the meantime, you can bring them over and introduce them to us. We'll make the decision then." 

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, " I breathed. I let go quickly and recomposed myself. I glanced at the clock. "I should be going now. I'll see you guys in a few hours. " I ran upstairs to get my shoes and books for school. I threw my homework into my book bag and ran downstairs immediately, running out the front door. I looked to my left and saw Jack sitting on the curb, looking at the street with little interest. "Jack! " I called as soon as I was off of the front porch. 

He looked up and  smiled. "You're back. " He stood up and walked over to me. I began walking forwards to school. "Where are we going? " He asked, looking all around, taking in the sights. 

"I'm going to school. You're not. You have to keep a low profile around town today, okay? " I asked. 

"Why? " He was observing a car particularly closely. 

"Because you don't have an adult to register you. I can't do it either. I can get my parents to, but they have to meet you before they'll let you stay for a little while. " 

"So I'll be by myself all day? " He stopped walking. I looked at him. 

"I can't skip school. " 

"Yes, you can. Please, just this once? " He clasped his hands together as he begged me. 

I considered it. I could go to school and be miserable again, or I can ditch. I can spend the whole day with Jack. He can really take me out. 

"Consider it our date, " He said. 

"..... Okay. But you can't do anything too conspicuous. Try not to act so astonsihed at everything you see. I think that it's cute, but other people will think that you're crazy. It'll give us away, and then we'll be  in trouble for ditching. " I paused. "And my parents won't let you stay if they think that you're a bad influence. " 

Jack looked down for a moment. "So I'll keep my amazement to myself, and we can be together all day?" 

"That's right." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't think that it was absolutely necessary. I'm sorry. " 

He nodded, understanding. "It's okay. Let's go. " He smiled as he looked forward to the town. 

What had I just gotten myself into? 

Drink Your Medicine (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now