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Dinner that night was more awkward than usual. One of my sisters, Jillian, had decided to take it upon herself to point out how much of a freak I am. Helen kind of just sat there without saying anything. I know that secretly she agrees though. I am a freak. 

"He overdosed today?" She asked my mother. She stuck her nose up in my direction. I looked down at my plate and continued to cut my food slowly. Little strokes back and forth. Just like breathing. Inhale and exhale. 

"Alex is fine, " My father answered for her. Thanks, Dad. 

"This is the second day this week he's avoided school. Don't you think that he's doing it on purpose? " She pushed onward. 

"Why would he avoid it? " My mum asked ignorantly. 

"Little cunt, " I muttered under my breath at Jillian. 

"What was that, Alexander? " My father demanded angrily. He'd clearly heard me. 

"I said... I said that was blunt. You don't understand, " I whispered. 

"That's what I thought you said, " He sat back in his seat. I poked at my food. 

"You know, I've heard him talking into the mirror in the bathroom. It's alarming, " My sister continued. 

"Sometimes people imagine things if they're desperate, " Helen stuck up for me. She knew that I had no one else. 

"Yeah, crazy people. I'm telling you, he changed after To-"

I slammed my silverware down on my plate and stood up. I proceeded to stomp off to my room like a child. I sat down on the floor next to my bed and pouted. I'm not crazy. And Tom has nothing to do with this. I brought my knees to my chest. I miss Jack. He's the closest thing to a friend I've had in a long time. 

I stood up and walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "Jack? " I whispered. 

The boy came forward with red eyes. "Alex! " He said cheerfully. "Alex, I'm so sorry. I hit my head against the glass and blacked out. " He pointed to the dark bruise on his forehead. "See? "

I breathed a sigh of relief. So then he doesn't not like me. "I understand."

"You overdosed today. Is school really that bad, or did I push you over the edge?"

"It was kind of both. I just needed a mental health day." I looked at him hopefully. "My sister is being a jerk too."

"Which one?" He asked. He looked about ready to punch her. 


"What did she say about you?" His voice was filled with concern for me. I liked that he actually cared. 

"She said that I overdosed on purpose, and that I'm making your existence up."

"You told her about me?" Jack suddenly looked a little bit afraid. Does he not want them to know that he's real?

"No. Apparently she overheard me talking to you and assumed that I was being crazy. Jillian has no idea who you are in reality," I assured him. 

"I'm sorry, Alex. I wish that there was some way I could have been there for you when she said those things. And I understand what it's like to feel cast aside."

"Really? How old are you anyway?" I looked at him with curiosity.

"I'm fourteen, the same age as you. You moved here when you were seven, and the mirror was installed when I was five."

"You haven't seen anything in this world except my bathroom for the last nine years?"

"I already told you this."

"I know. It's just so hard to wrap my head around the idea. " I looked down at my feet. "How do you survive without food? " 

"What do you mean? I'm not...... Human. " 

"You don't have to eat? " I tried to hide my shock. I really thought that he was a human person. 

"Of course not. I can, but I prefer not to. "

"Well then how do you gain nutrients? " I asked, genuinely curious. 

"I.... Don't? I don't know. I never really bothered to learn about biology. It's too hard to understand. " 

I laughed. "I can relate to that. " 

There was a knock at the door. "Alex? " My mum asked through the door. 

"Gotta go, bye. " I looked away from Jack and opened the door. Suddenly, all of the joy that Jack had brought me ran out, and I was upset again. "Yes? " I asked her. 

"Who were you talking to? " 

"Myself, " I said with pity. "No one else ever cares enough to listen. " 

"Now, now. That's not true. I know that it's not. I care enough to listen. " 

"I'm sure you do. Why didn't you stop Jillian? Why did you just let her-"

"I've scolded her already, " She cut me off. "I know how sensitive the topic is for you. " 

"Why am I the only one who cares anymore? He only died two years ago, Mum. Only two! " I felt less sad and more angry now. Did no one give two fucks about my brother? 

"I know that, Lex. But..... "

"But I need to move on? Or should I just take some medicine to forget about it? " I pushed her out of my way and went off to my room, slamming the door angrily. 

If you think that I'm doing it for attention, you're right. I do feel upset about Tom, but I know that Mum still misses him. I've seen her cry whenever she looks at his picture. And I'm just pissed about the medicine like usual. Jillian only pushed me over the edge. Everything she said however, is complete true. I did overdose to avoid school. And I did fake being sick. I don't have many friends. And Tom's death did change me. It's all true. I just don't want anyone to know this because then they would worry about me. More so than they already do. 

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