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"Hi, I'm Louisa. I am 17, depressed and have attempted suicide. I have been bullied and abused, I have lost my family and everyone thinks I'm a freak" she says and sits down. I hate how our techer would always make us do that whenever a new student was put into this classs.

"Harper" Mrs. Joy chirps. I always wonder how it's so ironic that the teacher of a therapy class for depressed and sucidal kids had the name of Mrs. Joy.

"um...hi" I awkwardly stand "My name is Harper" I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear " I am depressed and have been bullied, it got to a point where they would physically hurt me on a daily basis. I didn't enjoy it." and I sit down and slump into my seat

"Thank you" Mr.Joy spoke

As her words started filling the air, my curiosity took over and thoughts and ideas swirled in my mind. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I took it out and looked to see what had caused the vibration. It showed the little blue and white icon saying a new tweet from Calum Hood, it read;

So excited to finally be coming home, can't wait to see my family and eat food!

My phone vibrated again, this time Luke Hemmings tweeted;

Hello home, so good to be back. Where's the food??

As I read the tweets, I began to giggle at their words in excitment

"Hhmm!" Mrs Joy clears her throat "mind sharing what is so funny with us"

"Okay, the boys from 5sos tweeted" some of the boys rolled their eyes and some of the girls rushed over to see what they had tweeted

"Ohhh! Luke is so cute" one said

"I love them so much!" another girl screamed

"I wish they would have my babies" Louisa spoke out, we all began to laugh so hard tears started to swell my eyes and my stomach ached from so much laughter "especially Luke"

"Girls! Please thats enough nonsense, now sit back down-class is almost over and we haven't meditated yet"

Mrs Joy always made us meditate to help us forget our pain and hurt. It helped us relax. I enjoyed it, unlike most people.

After therapy, I had maths,then english. Great, both the subjects I hate and suck at. At least I had Jake and Louisa in them


I walk to our usual spot ouside where Jake and I always sit. This time was differnt since I saw Grayson sitting there talking to Jake. What the hell was going on? Louisa followed me and sat down beside me. She was great company, eventhough everyone thought she was a freak, I adored her. She always knew how to cheer me up.

"Hi" I say slightly confused

"Hey, Jake said it would be alright to sit with you today, if thats alright with you?" he smiled and I nodded

"Of course" I smiled politely back. It was so good having Grayson around sometimes, some called me a slut or whore. But they are just jealous that they don't have him as a friend. He really is a great guy, he so nice, considerate, smart and very handsome. He was to good to be true.

"So how was therapy?" he asks before Jake does

"Boring, as per usual, but the best part was Calum and Luke tweeted!!!" I squeal a little "they are back home! I'm so fry ken excited" I live in the same area as them, so I get very excited. They even attended this school, I am a year younger then them, the were her for a year, I didn't know them very well, I did watch their YouTube videos. But, who would have thought that they'd become this huge.


Louisa is played by Sarah Hyland. Louisa's character is based on a close and very special friend of mine
f-ivesauce . My friend is not suicidal or depressed, but smart, pretty and so much fun to be with. She has a very special talent to write, so she had really inspired me.

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