Doctor Mrah

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Why did hospitals always smell like death? Why did they bring so much suffering and pain?

I thought these questions as I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. I booked an appointment at the OB/GYN clinic as soon as possible to make sure I was indeed pregnant. I sat there deep in thought with the latest issue of Bizarr in my hands. I looked around the room, only to be greeted by white walls, and a few other women, some barely pregnant some heavily pregnant. As I looked around, I was given weird looks as if to say 'slut' or 'whore', they simply judged me without knowing me or my story. I feel totally uncomfortable and just want to get out of here.

I hadn't told Grayson yet, well frankly because I wanted to make sure I was definitely pregnant. So today I was accompanied by Lou. She was so much more excited then I was. She could keep still, had a constant smiled plastered in her face. Maybe that was her way of coping with nerves, I guess. Just as I was about to pull my phone out, I heard my name be called out by a nurse;

"Harper Goodwin" the nurse calls

I stand, straightening my shirt and grabbing my bag. Louisa following closely behind me. My heart feels as if it's beating out of my chest. I feel each thump prominent. Each step I take, the more I feel sick. Even though the truth lies behind those doors and I really don't want to know and its still fricken killing me not knowing.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Petra, just take a seat on the bed for me and your Doctor will be in soon" she smiles then walks out, closing the door behind her

"I'm so nervous" I whisper

"Same" Lou whispers

"Are you excited?"

"Kinda" she giggles jumping up and down in her seat

I breathe out and lie down on the bed. I look up at the plain white ceiling, whilst fiddling with my fingers. Calm down Harper, I say to myself with my eyes closed. I hear the doorknob turn, the door opens revealing a young female doctor with tanned skin and big, blue eyes. She's stunning.

"Hi, I'm doctor Mrah. I will be your OB/GYN throughout your pregnancy" she smiles

"What if I'm not?" I whisper under my breath, maybe not quiet enough

"True. But 99% of women I see are indeed pregnant" she says sweetly

"Sorry" I applogise

"Don't be" she giggles "and who's this?" she asks pointing to Lou

"My best friend" I smile looking at Lou

"Hi, I'm Louisa" Lou gives the doctor her hand, the doctor takes it, shaking Lou's hand, exchanging polite smiles

"Hello" she smiles at Lou

After we all had greeted and met each other, the doctor sits in her chair, Lou sits in the spare chair and I lay on the bed. The doctor, with pen and paper in hand, swivels over to my side and begins to ask questions.

"Okay, so I am going to ask some questions, please don't hold back" she smiles and I nod "when was the last time you had gotten your period?"

"About three months ago, it's pretty all over the place"

"Okay, and when was the last time you had intercourse?"

'That wasn't private at all' I say to myself "over a month ago" I honestly answer

"How have you been feeling?"

"Well, some days great, then the past week I have felt like shit and haven't stopped vomiting. I also have been feeling really nauseous"

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